Pre-Launch on a New Site

Randall Harry Parker Jr.
3 min readJan 22, 2024


About to launch it, so I’m letting my Medium audience have the first look.

The logo for now. Very generic, a placeholder I can thank MidJourney for “doing for me” in a jiffy.

Hey Medium family!

I created a directory, or listings, website for any company, product, service, or brand directly related to AI.

It’s called — Please check it out!

A screenshot of my new website I made in the past week. Please check it out and spend more than 5 seconds on the page :)

I’m pretty happy with the domain name I’ve secured and it wasn’t a premium domain, so that part only cost me $12 so far.

All the themes and plugins I’m using so far are also free so there’s no extra cost there.

I had hosting so that was covered.

Now, the only thing is to fill the site with content.

The first step in doing that is to plug away myself adding content.

I have added 27 listings so far as of the time of publishing this article.

That’s an OK start, but not a blazing start for the site being on its sixth day of existence.

Now, all this being said:

  • It is a directory site and anyone can create a user account and publish a listing, noting that there is a manual review process in place at this early stage in the game.
  • The theme, layout, aesthetics, logo, design, UX, etc… are all works in progress and what you see is Version 0.1 — Yes, we’re in beta.

I’ve got analytics installed so I can see if I’m getting any traffic yet, and for the most part, I am not.

A lot of those 42 are me.

That’s kind of why I’m here doing this post right now.

Hopefully, some of you will visit my new website and show it some love. A click to the site where you don’t immediately click off is valuable in itself.

Do you guys know what a bounce is?

Google considers any visit under 5 seconds to a website something called a “bounce” which essentially means that the user didn’t mean to go there and that the hit to the website is not what the user wanted.

I’m not talking about the fun kind of bouncing you see pictured here.

Over time, search engines keep track of your “bounce rate” and credit or penalize you according to how high or low that rate is, the lower amount of bounces / 100 visitors, the better.

So, if you would go have a peek and maybe scroll around and click around a little.

If you have an AI project of your own that you would like to list, please also do that and I will be sure to review and approve the correct listings ASAP.

Further note: In creating a listing, there are very few required fields. If you’re not a wiz with WordPress or websites, you don’t need to be. It’s just a form you fill out. You need to create an account with a username and password and confirm your email but that’s it.

There’s no cost to you and there’s no upkeep.

So, it can be a free backlink if you have some AI business or service you want to promote.

Thank you all for checking out my website and I appreciate in advance anyone who leaves feedback, tests it out, or shares the link.

© Randall Harry Parker Jr. 2024. All Rights Reserved., founder | Adobe creator profile | buy me a coffee



Randall Harry Parker Jr.

American, Jersey-born man, 40. Living in Mexico with my four dogs. Freelancer in marketing, sales, brand development, and writing.