Greatest Jeff Gordon Story Never Told

2 min readNov 5, 2015


*Editor’s note: This story happened 17 years ago. I’m still pretty sure it went down like this.*

For context of this story you need to see this video:

There is so much greatness in this video: A SOLD OUT Texas Motor Speeedway, CBS broadcasting NASCAR, the announcers, Jeremy Mayfield (that Jeremy Mayfield) on the pole, the list of drivers in the field, passing, TEXAS 500 (no title sponsor needed), no @theorangecone, etc….. BUT for me the real greatness doesn’t start until the 4:59 mark. That’s when Jeff Gordon and Dale Earnhardt get in a wreck. That’s when the real fun started.

I was in the stands that day. With my family and friends. We had our scanners on — Pops listening to Dale, me listening to Gordon. I was pretty bummed about the wreck but little did I know it would turn into the greatest story I ever remember from a race.

At 7:35 you’ll see Dale and Larry McReynolds working to get the #3 back in the race — which thankfully they did. And that’s pretty much the last you would hear or see of Dale and Jeff on the broadcast. However those of us in the stands were in for a real treat.

Dale’s car was barely able to make minimum speed so basically he was just putting in laps. He called over the radio that on the next pit stop he wanted gas and a Snickers. Yep, a Snickers. When he came in he told them he wasn’t leaving until he got his Snickers. Somehow, someway they found him a Snickers and off he went. It was a long caution and Dale left the pits and ran up along side Gordon — and waved the Snickers at him.

On Gordon’s radio: “ Dale just drove up and showed me a Snickers. Get me a Snickers and a Pepsi, I’m coming back in.”

So Gordon comes in, the crew gives him a Snickers and a Pepsi and off he goes. Of course to catch up with Dale and show him what he had.

On Dale’s radio: “I’m coming in for a Coke.”

So the #3 comes in, they hand him a Coke, and off he goes. On the backstretch Dale catches up to Gordon and they bump doors — almost like a “cheers”.

I just remember two of the greatest drivers ever making chicken salad out of chicken s#!t — and having a blast while doing it.

*Thanks to for finding the footage for me.*




a joke of a joke of a joke. that's rarely funny. not affiliated with anyone, especially anyone named MINI or CHAD. love your life. like your sports.