Guideline: How to join Injective ecosystem IDO on Moon App

Moon App
4 min readJan 18, 2024


The basic staking tier system of Moon App is announced on 17th of January.

Today, we are excited to present you:

  • How to join Injective ecosystem IDO on Moon App Launchpad.
  • Tier system of Moon App

Step-by-Step How to join Injective ecosystem IDO

Step 1. Sign-up your account on

Step 2. Perform KYC

Step 3. Connect Wallet
Connect your wallet on ‘Account’ — ‘My account’ section.

Step 4. Stake $APP on

Click ‘Connect Wallet’ to connect your wallet.

Select the tier you wish to stake.

Stake your $APP. You will have to approve first to stake.

If you have successfully staked, you will be able to check your staked amount on the top right.

Important: You must use the same wallet and chain used on Step 3 for staking. If the connected wallet and staked wallet or chain are different, you will be disqualified. You can change the connected wallet before Step 5.

Step 5. Declare your interest on project to join IDO.

Important: After declaring interest, you will not be able to change connected wallet until next IDO. Always double check your connected wallet and the chain.

Step 6. Wait for winner announcement.

Winners will be able to check result on

Step 7. Deposit your allocation

Winners will receive email with additional deposit information.

Tier system of Moon App

Tier 1
7,500 $APP staked
Max 1 Lottery Ticket per IDO

Tier 2
30,000 $APP staked
Max 4 Lottery Tickets per IDO

Tier 3
75,000 $APP staked
Max 10 Lottery Tickets per IDO

Tier 4
150,000 $APP staked
Max 25 Lottery Tickets per IDO

Tier 5
300,000 $APP staked
Max 35 Lottery Tickets + 10% Guaranteed allocation pool per IDO

For example if you stake 75,000 $APP, you become Tier 3 staker. As a Tier 3 staker, you can win max up to 10 tickets but also have a probability to win 0 to Max 10 tickets since it’s lottery base.

Guaranteed allocation pool

There will be 10% guaranteed allocation pool only for Tier 5 stakers.

Not only can Tier 5 stakers win Max up to 35 tickets, they can also get tickets from the 10% guaranteed allocation pool by lottery between Tier 5 stakers.

Win rate & Weight

Important to note that every Tier is based on lottery, meaning Tier 1 could get 1 ticket or 0 ticket. Same for Tier 3 could win 0 ticket or max up to 10 tickets.

However, we have weight system to guarantee the benefits of high tier stakers. Weight of each tier will be different. As higher tiers have higher chance of winning the ticket(s).

Weight will be calculated differently on each IDO, based on the number of users particpated, total staked $APP, fundraised amount etc.

Cooldown system

The staking is flexible and has no lock. You can leave whenever you like. But staking does have a cooldown period of 14 days, meaning once you want to exit, you have to wait 14 days.

Anyone who wants to immediately unstake can do so as well. This skips the 14 days of cooldown. However the penalty of that is 16%.


Keep in mind that if you unstake your $APP tokens, you will lose the allocation of your vested tokens.

If it is not staked within 72 hours all previous IDO vesting tokens will be taken away and will be used to buyback $APP tokens.


Please note that Tier system is subject to change as the platform progresses.

Moon App team will try to find the most suitable system as number of stakers grows.

Quick FAQ

Q) Can I join IDO without KYC?

A) No, it is mandatory to pass the KYC.

Q) Can I deposit partial allocation?

A) No, only full allocation could be deposited.

Q) Is there APR for staking?

A) No, there is no APR/APY for staking for now.

Q) What happens to the unsold tokens?

A) Team will decide from the various options.

Q) What happens if number of higher lottery tier has much more participants than on lower lottery tier? Higher lottery tier gets lower allocation and lower win rate although they have staked more?

A) Each tier will have weight system to guarantee the benefits of high tier stakers. Please refer to the Win rate & Weight part above.

Q) I have particiapted IDO via ETH chain. Will I receive tokens on ETH chain?

A) Each IDO will have different chain details. Please check the email if you are the winner. You will receive email before contribution period.


Join our Telegram if you have extra questions on how to join Injective ecosystem IDO.

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Moon App - Leading App for MEV, Sandwich, Sniping, Launchpad. From a team that previously worked on the biggest exchanges.