life8 reasons why lazy people achieve more

The Nerd's Rules
3 min readMay 10, 2019


If any inaction stands between you and success it’s time to learn about how to be lazy effectively.

So, let’s have a look at why being lazy might benefit you

1. Lazy people searching for the easiest way to deal with the task

The founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates once said:”“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job, because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it”. In fact, such employee will be searching for the “short-cuts” to solve the problem and will achieve the best result from the first attempt, in order not to handle it later on.

2. They are super optimized

A lazy person does not see the point in monotonic job, that’s why he is always trying to automate the process. Thanks to such innovative, the broom has been transformed into vacuum — cleaner, and after that into robot — vacuum — cleaner.

If you are coming across to some life hacks — believe it or not — it was written by a lazy person.

3. They are professionally using technologies

Lazy people regularly checking if there are some new innovations that can solve their problems. They are always updated regarding new technological innovations.

4. They are correctly setting up their priorities.

In order to start doing something, lazy person tends to ask himself why does he need to do that. The correct question allows spending less time and energy on secondary things which are barely affecting the overall result.

At the beginning of XX, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a law according to which 20% of effort results in 80% success. Therefore, the other 80% of effort results in 20% of contribution in a task. According to this rule, it’s more beneficial to make a minimum impact but to the correct cradles.

5. They know how to rest

If an average workday looks like a marathon, the average day of a lazy person looks like short sprints mixed with the rest. First, he gives maximum time and power and then relaxes. In the end, lazy people do the same amount of work as people who are working hard during the day. But because of the multiple breaks, lazy people do not feel as overwhelmed as the average person.

6. They are seeing risks better

In order to effectively handle the task without delaying anything, it is important to build some structure at the place where the system can crash down. Because a lazy person sees the risks in advance and making everything possible, in order to solve it.

7. They are great leaders

A lazy person not only effectively dealing with tasks, but also correctly delegate those tasks between people, who are working on a project.

8. They are smart

If a person is not that smart, they will not allow themselves to be lazy.

In the office, you have to be sure that during the day you will handle all the tasks, even if you spend half of your day on social media. A lazy freelancer needs to have a smart mind in order to have 10 expensive orders than 100 cheap ones. That’s why developed intellect, a key to success to do less, but achieve more.

