A Beginner’s Guide to InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)

The Nimble Novice
7 min readAug 6, 2023


The Decentralized Storage Protocol for Web3 Developers

Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash

IPFS, or InterPlanetary File System, is a decentralized protocol for storing and sharing files on a peer-to-peer network. Unlike traditional client-server models where files are stored on a centralized server, IPFS allows files to be distributed across a network of nodes. This means that there is no central point of control and files can be accessed faster and more reliably.

The Problem with Centralization

Centralization often refers to the dominance of large corporations that control access to and distribution of information and services. This can lead to a number of problems, including:

  1. Censorship: Centralized entities have the power to censor information that they deem inappropriate or harmful, which can limit free speech and access to information.
  2. Single point of failure: When a system is centralized, it is vulnerable to a single point of failure. If the centralized entity fails, the entire system can fail as well, causing widespread disruption.
  3. Limited innovation: Centralized entities often have a monopoly on information and resources, which can stifle competition and limit innovation.
  4. Lack of privacy: When data is stored in a centralized location, it is more vulnerable to hacking and breaches, which can compromise the privacy and security of users.
  5. Inequitable distribution of wealth: Centralized entities often accumulate wealth and power, leading to a concentration of resources in the hands of a few, rather than being distributed more equitably.

These problems have become more pronounced with the rise of the internet and the increasing reliance on technology in our daily lives. Decentralization, including through the use of protocols like IPFS, can help address these issues by creating a more open, transparent, and resilient system.

How IPFS Works

In Web3 development, decentralization is a key. IPFS, or InterPlanetary File System, is a decentralized protocol for storing and sharing files in a peer-to-peer network. It was developed to address the limitations of traditional client-server-based systems, which rely on a centralized infrastructure that can be slow, costly, and vulnerable to single-point-of-failure attacks.

At its core, IPFS works by breaking down files into smaller pieces called “blocks” and storing them across multiple nodes in the network. This means that files are not stored in a single location, but rather distributed across the network, making it highly resilient to failure and censorship.

How Data is stored

IPFS uses a content-addressed naming system, where files are identified by a unique hash of their content, rather than their location or name. This means that a file can be accessed and downloaded from any node in the network, regardless of where it was originally uploaded or stored. As the content is addressable, it allows for the creation of permanent and immutable links, similar to URLs, that can be used to reference files even as they move or change locations on the network.

The IPFS network is made up of nodes that store and serve content. Nodes can be run by anyone and can range from personal computers to large data centers. Each node maintains a “DAG” (Directed Acyclic Graph) that maps the blocks it stores, making it easy to find and retrieve content from the network. When a node requests a file, it sends out a request for the blocks that make up the file and receives them from the nodes that store them. Once all the blocks are retrieved, the file can be reconstructed.

How IPFS differes from traditional storage systems

However, there are also some challenges with IPFS. For example, because files are distributed across the network, it can be slower to access files compared to traditional client-server systems. Additionally, because there is no central authority governing the network, there is a risk of malicious actors uploading and sharing illegal or harmful content.

Getting Started with IPFS

Installing and setting up IPFS:

  1. Download IPFS from the official website: https://ipfs.io/docs/install/
  2. Install IPFS according to your operating system instructions

Initialize IPFS using the following command in your terminal/command prompt:

  1. ipfs init
  2. This will generate a configuration file and a unique peer ID that identifies your node in the IPFS network.

To start the IPFS daemon, run the following command:

  1. ipfs daemon

Overview of IPFS commands:

  • ipfs init — Initializes IPFS and generates a configuration file and peer ID
  • ipfs daemon — Starts the IPFS daemon
  • ipfs add <file> — Adds a file to the IPFS network
  • ipfs cat <hash> — Retrieves the contents of a file with the given hash
  • ipfs pin add <hash> — Pins a file to ensure it is permanently stored in the IPFS network
  • ipfs pin ls — Lists all pinned files
  • ipfs swarm peers — Lists the peers connected to your node in the IPFS network

How to add and retrieve files using IPFS:

To add a file to IPFS, use the following command:

ipfs add <file>

  1. This will return a unique hash that identifies the file on the IPFS network.

To retrieve the contents of a file with a given hash, use the following command: ipfs cat <hash>. This will return the contents of the file.

To pin a file to ensure it is permanently stored in the IPFS network, use the following command: ipfs pin add <hash>

To list all pinned files, use the following command: ipfs pin ls


IPFS Use Cases

  1. Decentralized file sharing: IPFS provides a decentralized file sharing platform that enables users to share files with one another directly, without relying on centralized servers or third-party providers. This can be particularly useful for sharing large files, such as video or audio files, which may be difficult to share using traditional methods.
  2. Decentralized storage: IPFS allows users to store files in a decentralized manner, which means that data is distributed across a network of nodes, rather than being stored on a central server. This can help to increase data availability and reduce the risk of downtime, while also providing a more secure and private storage solution.
  3. Content distribution: IPFS can be used to distribute content across a network of nodes, which can help to reduce latency and increase download speeds, particularly for large files or popular content. This can be particularly useful for content creators who want to distribute their content to a wide audience without relying on centralized platforms.
  4. Decentralized applications (dApps): IPFS can be used to build decentralized applications (dApps) that run on a distributed network of nodes. This allows for greater security and privacy, as well as increased reliability and scalability, compared to traditional centralized applications.
  5. Permanent web hosting: IPFS provides a permanent web hosting solution that allows users to host content indefinitely, without the risk of the content being taken down or removed. This can be particularly useful for hosting content that is politically sensitive, controversial, or subject to censorship.

Advantages of Using IPFS

  • Faster content delivery: Due to its distributed network of nodes and leveraging peer-to-peer networking, IPFS can serve content faster than traditional centralized systems, which can help reduce latency and increase download speeds.
  • Increased data availability: its ability to distribute content across a network of nodes, which helps to increase data availability and reduce the risk of downtime. This means that your content is always accessible, even if some nodes go offline.
  • Improved security and privacy: With its cryptographic security measures, IPFS helps ensure that content is tamper-proof and only accessible to authorized users. Additionally, its decentralized network and content-addressable storage make it a more secure option than traditional centralized systems, which can be vulnerable to censorship and surveillance.
  • Cost-effective storage solutions: By leveraging the power of distributed storage, IPFS can help reduce the cost of hosting and serving content, without compromising on speed or security.

Challenges of IPFS Adoption

  • Scalability and performance issues: As with any distributed system, scalability and performance can be challenging when dealing with large volumes of data. While IPFS is designed to handle large-scale content distribution, there can be bottlenecks in the network that can impact performance.
  • Lack of user-friendly interfaces: While IPFS has a command-line interface and APIs for developers, it can be difficult for non-technical users to access and interact with the network. This can limit the adoption of IPFS among casual users who may not have the technical knowledge to use it effectively.
  • Limited developer adoption and support: While there is a growing community of developers building applications on top of IPFS, it is still a relatively new and emerging technology. As a result, there may be limited support and resources available for developers who are just getting started with IPFS

Upcoming developments and advancements in IPFS technology

The IPFS community is actively working on improving scalability and performance, as well as developing more user-friendly interfaces and tools to make IPFS more accessible to non-technical users. Additionally, there are initiatives underway to encourage more developer adoption and support, including hackathons, developer communities, and educational resources.

Overall, IPFS represents a promising new approach to storing and sharing files in a decentralized, peer-to-peer network. As the internet continues to evolve and face new challenges, IPFS may play an increasingly important role in ensuring a more resilient, censorship-resistant, and decentralized web.



The Nimble Novice

Writes about Life | Web3 | Tech | Productivity | Personal finance