Encounters with Jesus: Party

Jesus and the ‘sinful woman’

Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham


Jesus transformed ordinary moments into extraordinary encounters wherever he went. As we explore some of those stories together, we’re invited to come and encounter him afresh ourselves. Each week, we’re producing notes, discussion points and application questions for the Sunday talks from our ‘Encounters with Jesus’ series — helping you go deeper into everything we’re looking at together and resourcing our Small Groups during the week. Use the embedded player to listen to the talk, or click here to download it on a PC.

Key Passage

  • Luke 7:36–50


Jesus Seen: This Woman saw Jesus for who He really is — God’s holy, righteous, blameless, anointed One who had come full of grace, compassion and forgiveness. She knew of her need and saw He was her Saviour, her hope, her righteousness. And so, she worshipped Him with great abandon, loved Him with great affection and honoured Him with great extravagance. She trusted Him and loved.

Simon and the Pharisees had not seen Jesus as this woman had. They did not know who He was, they did not trust him and they assumed any prophet from God would reject a woman like this. Their coldness towards Jesus was a reflection of their blindness to who He is.

Woman Seen: This woman was known by all to have lived a ‘sinful life.’ The Pharisees saw her and rejected. Jesus saw her and had compassion, provided for her complete forgiveness and loved her.

Simon Seen: Simon’s blindness to Jesus also betrayed a blindness to his own need. He too had a debt that needed paying, though his life had not been anything like that of the woman before him. Jesus had seen Simon and come to cancel his debt too. Simon would not love like this woman until he had seen his own need, met by Jesus.

Application Questions

- What struck you from Sunday’s talk?

About God
What does it mean to see Jesus as Holy God and Loving Saviour?
- What do we learn of Jesus’ heart to anyone who will come to Him for forgiveness, restoration and peace?
- How does Jesus show Compassion to both the woman and to Simon in this encounter?

About Us
Who do you relate more to from this passage?
- How do we come to see Jesus more clearly? How will this influence our love for Him?
- Jesus says ‘blessed are the poor in Spirit for theirs in the kingdom of heaven’ (Matt 5:3). What does that mean?

About the world
What will the world see as we ‘love much’ in response to God’s love for us? How will that affect your work life / home life / social life?
- How can we continue to build a community in which everyone is welcomed to come, no matter what their background?



Oasis Church Birmingham
Oasis Church Birmingham

Oasis is a community of people from Birmingham and the surrounding area who believe that Jesus changes everything