10 Social Media Marketing Ideas You Can do in 15 Minutes

The Pivotal Companies
4 min readMar 5, 2020


Social media is growing at a very fast rate and there’s no good way to run a business without the use of social media. Social media offers many platforms to present your business to potential customers. We want to tell you about 10 great marketing tips that you can do in under 15 minutes to help grow your business!

1: Check your top posts in your Facebook business page.

Checking your top posts can help to show what items are receiving the most engagement, but it can also help to show what times are the best time for you to post each day. Checking your insights on every post will help you to better understand your followers, therefore grow your business and reach of your content!

2: Find new people on Instagram to follow.

Search for others in the same realm of business that you are in and check who their followers are and see who is engaging the most with their posts. This will help you to get a better understanding of who your potential customers can be. Instagram is a visual site, so make sure you are posting great content that is inviting to your followers as well and creating a lifestyle around your brand.

3: Update your LinkedIn profile.

LinkedIn is very important because if a potential customer searches your name or your business on Google, it will bring up your LinkedIn profile. You want to make sure you are updating your profile and that all the information is current. LinkedIn is a huge site for business/professional use and networking opportunities!

4: Find new people to follow on Pinterest.

Pinterest is another site, like Instagram, that is big on visuals. Pinterest can be a great way to have new people find your page and follow! You can find new people to follow on Pinterest the same way as Instagram. Find a business in your realm and see who their most engaging followers are!

5: Check your numbers in your social sites and set goals for each one for the month.

Business growth doesn’t typically just happen on its own. Growing a business is hard work and takes time. Check your insights on everything that you post and set realistic goals that you hope to achieve each month. You can research ways to increase traffic to each post once you track and see where you need the growth to be.

6: Read and comment on one of your favorite blogs.

Reading and commenting on social sites is another great way to help grow your personal page. You want your comments to be raw and real, not something that looks like it has been copied and pasted. Read through the blog posts and leave your honest reviews. Leaving comments will lead to others clicking on your profile and following you!

7: Use hashtags and geotags.

People search social media by hashtags and geotags. Think about it, anytime you search for a business similar to yours, you are probably finding them through previous hashtags they have used. Or, if you’re looking for a local business, you can typically find them through their previous geotag usage. So, you want others to do the same with your business. Find which hashtags work best for your business and your target audience and use them on every post. Make sure to add a geotag to each post as well, so people in your local community can be presented with your content!

8: Make sure you are promoting your business on the right social media sites.

Don’t waste your 15 marketing minutes a day posting on sites that don’t work well for your business. For example, a blog isn’t going to work well (for the most part) with many business styles. Make sure if your business offers a visual aspect then you are on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, maybe a YouTube channel, etc.. You don’t want to waste time posting to sites that aren’t bringing in revenue for you and your business.

9: Post consistently.

If you aren’t consistently posting on your social media sites, the truth is, your business will be put on the back burner in people’s minds. But, if they are seeing your posts daily, they are going to think, “Wow, I do need that.” every time they see a new post from you. Posting will bring the most constant engagement from those followers who truly love your business and will help reach larger audiences of those who are not already connected with you!

10: Engage with your followers posts.

Your potential clients most likely aren’t going to comment on every single post you make about how much they love your business. But, if you comment on their posts and engage with them, showing them you are a real person and you do care about your customers, they will be more impressed with you and your business as a whole. Make sure the likes and comments are coming from the business page, and remember that comments lead to others clicking on your profile which leads to more followers!

Make sure that each day, you are staying active and showing your followers that you are passionate about your business and where it goes in the future. Stay focused and remember to enjoy it all, look at how far you have come already!!



The Pivotal Companies

the Pivotal Companies is the parent company of 3 sub-sectors, each specifically designed with the challenges of the housing industry in mind.