Halloween-Inspired Resident Events

The Pivotal Companies
3 min readOct 22, 2019


Looking for something to get in the SPOOKY spirit, along with helping your residents become more engaged with not only you, but each other? Here are some great Halloween themed ideas to keep the residents from ghosting YOU this year.


Hosting contests will give your residents a little friendly competition and allow for everyone to engage and meet new people. Offer an incentive to the winner to increase participation! Examples of incentives could be: money off rent, gift cards, cash, etc. Have the residents upload their photos to Instagram or Facebook tagging you to enter the contest (HELLO, free promotion right there!).

Pet Costume Contest — This would be a fun way to meet not only a majority of your residents, but also their sweet little pumpkins! Hosting a pet costume contest will help promote that you are a pet friendly community as well!

Door Decorating Contest — Host a contest to see which resident(s) can create the spookiest door on the property! This is also a fun way to enhance curb appeal from the outside community. If a potential prospect sees that there is high and fun participation within your community, they might be more inclined to come take a tour! Make sure they post pictures and tag you on Instagram and Facebook.

Pumpkin Carving Contest — Have your residents show off their carving skills in a little friendly competition on who is the best pumpkin carver in the community and share the results on social media!


Hosting Halloween-themed parties is sure to bring everyone together in a great, fun environment to meet new friends and meet the staff. Offer drinks, candy (of course), snacks, and games to keep the residents entertained!

Costume Party - Who doesn’t want an excuse to dress up in a way they typically wouldn’t and wear a fun costume? If this is something you decide to host, take it to the next step and offer an incentive to the best costume at the party!

Trunk-or-Treat — Hosting a community-wide event on your property is another genius way to promote without putting a lot of money into marketing. Host a trunk-or-treat event where the residents pass out candy from the trunks of their cars along with the office hosting a large event with all staff passing out candy as well. This will surely bring in outside promotion from other people in the community too!

Trick or Trivia- Have a trivia night and invite all residents. Create spooky questions and test the knowledge of how well they know Halloween related events, movies, etc.

Hosting events for the holidays will help residents feel more at home while living at your community. They want to celebrate just as much as you do, so help them do just that! Throw them a party, host a Halloween event and see how happy it makes everyone who participates. Happy Halloween, Stay Spooky!



The Pivotal Companies

the Pivotal Companies is the parent company of 3 sub-sectors, each specifically designed with the challenges of the housing industry in mind.