Introduction to Student Housing Expert

The Pivotal Companies
2 min readApr 17, 2020


Student Housing Expert is a Pivotal Company, offering all things student housing related. Student Housing Expert is passionate about what they do for each and every property. SHE’s passion is ignited when they are faced with an opportunity to identify and create solutions that overcome various marketing and operations nuances. Collectively we have 60 years of Student Housing industry specific experience. SHE offers; Leasing & Marketing Solutions, Training & Retainer Options, Operations Consulting, and Strategic Recruiting for student housing properties across The United States.


Strategy & Consulting

Need a roadmap? Achieve the impossible by starting with a plan. Whether seeking a starting point and there’s usually only one, we are able to develop a strategy and campaign that leads your properties to success.

Retainer Services

Seeking a long term partner? When you’re ready to never be without a plan and have a dedicated and passionate team working on your behalf, we’re ready to make you a full time client. Our retainer services offer additional bandwidth and give you a team to pound the pavement driving you from your starting point to the finish line with ease.

Training & Workshops

Need a little inspiration? We work with teams at all levels, shapes, and sizes to develop and strengthen the skill sets within your organization. Training and workshops are a great way to get a taste of what it’s like working with us. We offer and can create a workshop on most any topic in the Property Management sector!

We create brand specific student housing solutions through a variety of tactics that drive success, produce measurable results, and balance business objectives that correlate with the goals your organization is striving to achieve. Intentionally, our game plans resonate with the student demographic. Passion led us here, and we would love to help you by providing clarity and confidence with a results driven game plan.

Feel free to contact us at for more info!



The Pivotal Companies

the Pivotal Companies is the parent company of 3 sub-sectors, each specifically designed with the challenges of the housing industry in mind.