Move-Out Tips for Apartment Managers

The Pivotal Companies
3 min readJul 17, 2019


We’re already halfway through the month of July, (WHERE DID 2019 GO THOUGH?) which means it’s officially move-out season for Student Housing properties all over the nation! After participating in our FAIR share of move-outs over the years, we thought we’d give you our favorite tips on how to make it through! We’re all in this together for the next few weeks and every little bit helps! :) And don’t forget to check out our Turn Tips article to help with the inevitable prepping on the horizon!

If your move-out day is July 31st or later, it’s time to collect Intent to Vacate forms! This allows for a few things to happen:

  1. Reminds residents of their upcoming move-out date.
  2. Incentivizes potential leftover renewals to get their butts in the door and complete their paperwork, so they’re not forced out!
  3. Allows you to see if any residents plan on leaving earlier than the required move-out date, so you can perform an earlier inspection.

Yes, we know that you have been hounding residents all year to renew and there’s no way possible that this could still happen! But yes, oh yes, it happens like clockwork every year! Post a flyer to everyone’s front door, send out an e-blast, post to social media, etc.! At least one of your resident’s who was “too busy” throughout the renewal season will respond wondering what they have to do to be able to stay. This could result in an increase to your renewal numbers and a (welcomed!) decrease to the amount of beds you have to turn!

Another way to help lessen the blow to your team and vendors during the turnover period is to finish turning any units that may already be vacant. Clean, make-ready, paint, carpet, final walk, all the above before the true turnover period even starts!

This is a HUGE timesaver during the turnover period! Create key packets that are prelabeled with the following:

  1. Apartment #
  2. Bed Space
  3. Front Door Key____
  4. Bedroom Key ____
  5. Mailbox Key____
  6. Storage Key ____
  7. Any others applicable to your community

Have the team member collecting move-out keys mark an X next to each of the keys received on move-out day.

Then, use these same key packets to prep for the new resident(s) of that unit!

Enhance your Reputation Management strategy by understanding why someone is moving on from your property. Did they have an incredible experience? What was their favorite part? Did they have an off-putting experience? What could your team have done differently? The same way you would want to know about a resident’s move-in experience, getting an in depth view of their entire residential experience could be even more beneficial!



The Pivotal Companies

the Pivotal Companies is the parent company of 3 sub-sectors, each specifically designed with the challenges of the housing industry in mind.