Pet-Friendly Apartment Amenities They’ll Roll Over For

The Pivotal Companies
3 min readMar 3, 2019


Today was National Love Your Pet Day and my Instagram feed was filled with the most adorable pictures of people from all around the world showing the pictorial love our furry friends deserve. With more and more college students and young adults seeking the companionship of a pet, the housing industry must understand and embrace the notion that individuals are no longer just making housing decisions based on their needs, but now also the needs of four-legged roommates. So how do apartments keep renters with pets satisfied? Here are some awesome pet-friendly amenities that’ll have everyone’s tail wagging.

Dog Parks

Every dog owner has been to at least one dog park with their furry friend, as it is the perfect place to release excess energy from being kept inside an apartment all day and also acts as a social experience for both the pets and their owners. A dog park could be just a fenced-in area where dogs can run around with each other or it could be a combination of agility course structures with ample running around room. Dog parks are a must for pet-friendly communities and require very low maintenance throughout the year. Even northern apartment communities can set themselves a part from the rest by offering indoor dog parks/agility courses to be used year round!

Dog Waste Stations

This is a mutually beneficial tool that is commonly used by pet-friendly apartment communities. Having a few dog waste stations like these on your property will encourage residents to help keep the grounds clean from their pet’s waste, while also providing an outward image of the value that you place in your furry residents and their owners.

Pet-Inspired Events and Contests

Show your current residents how much you appreciate their furry roommates by hosting monthly pet events and contests. In the month of October, create a pet costume contest on your social media platforms and connect it with a Howl-Ween party for residents to interact with other residents and their pets. For a more frequently held event, you could host a weekly Yappy Hour at your dog park with free treats and toys for the pets and cocktails/beer for the residents. It’s no secret that pet owners love sharing pictures of their fur babies, so use that to your advantage by hosting social media contests for the best dressed dog, the cutest kitten, the tiniest turtle, etc. to gain exposure to your sites and enhance customer relationships. Also make sure you are including evidence of these events and contests throughout your tour route and marketing collateral to attract potential residents who are looking for a place to call home for their pets and themselves.

Treats, Toys and Pet Supplies in Clubhouse/Model Unit

Nothing says we welcome your furry friends more than the instant gratification of a free treat or toy given to them in the most important selling feature at your property. Imagine being a dog owner visiting a property where there is a can of dog treats at the front desk and the leasing agent offers your fur baby one. Then, as you continue your tour, you see pictures of pet events the property has hosted and other residents with their pets displayed around the property. Then you get to the model unit and there is a cute food and water bowl and a dog bed showcased as a selling feature of the unit. Being an avid dog lover, I’ll admit this place has officially won me over!



The Pivotal Companies

the Pivotal Companies is the parent company of 3 sub-sectors, each specifically designed with the challenges of the housing industry in mind.