Can Chatbots save Internal Communication?

2 min readOct 14, 2022


With full customization possibilities, chatbots are a great asset to your internal communication strategy by enabling your employees to get information quickly and #getthingsdone!

Short and to the point: Chatbots are already changing workplace communication. Let us see why and which could be possible Use Cases.

Streamline Support (and always there for you!)

Chatbots are available 24/7, directing employees to documentation, policies, or answer queries.

Ask a question and receive instantly an answer to simple but urgent queries like “how do I claim my business trip expenses?” down to the classic “I lost my entrance card”. Users do not need to write an email and wait, no need to search through guides and handbooks.

Chatbots can help with daily tasks

Filling in HR forms, booking meeting rooms, submitting hours, requesting time off. All these tasks impact concentration and productivity, therefore Chatbots can allow employees to reduce the processing time of these tasks by doing it for them. What is the result? No wasting time navigating calendars, looking for docs across HR platforms or intranet.

Intranet, do you still need one?

Let us start with one point. Intranets are great to store information, share news, but do employees really use the intranet daily? NO. Most intranets are not relevant to employees’ daily jobs. This means they do not visit them for days or weeks and they are missing out on information or forget where to find them. Use chatbots and intranet together. As chatbot answers are short, you can use links to the intranet, pointing to relevant resources.

Source: Canva

No need to log in

This is what I find as one of the biggest advantages. Unlike intranets or other support services, employees don’t have to log in to use a chatbot. Access it (browser or app), and ask a question. That’s it!

Support the onboarding of new team members

Onboarding new employees needs time, and they have plenty of questions about processes and systems. It’s normal! And believe me, I like people that ask questions! This might mean emailing a buddy or a supervisor and waiting for a reply, or interrupting a coworker. Guess what they can do? Ask the chatbot for a quick and efficient response.

Issues Announcement

Besides administrative tasks, chatbots can be a crucial, real-time communication method to share important office problems or safety information. Chatbots can receive accident report submissions or maintenance requests and collect photos and other relevant information on the spot.

I hope you enjoyed this quick overview of why using a chatbot saves internal communication. Missing out some benefits? Let us get in touch or leave a comment!

How to generate more training data for your Chatbot? Check out my article on Text Data Augmentation.




Project Manager with passion for Data, AI and new technologies. Spreading views and stories from the PM world.