Day 1: An Introduction

The Protagonist
3 min readSep 18, 2017


As you may have garnered from the title, this is my first blog post.

My blog has been something long deliberated. When I originally wanted to start writing a couple years ago, I figured my thoughts and research would be valuable to others, and I was happy to share knowledge. However, I soon realised there are many wonderful authors out there — my own reading list has probably grown 10–20x in the last couple of years. And so, I procrastinated and focused on my day job…I’m a full-time investor in public markets.

So why start now? Well, I think my thoughts on bloggers and authors have come around full circle. The same people appear on all the media, guest posts and podcasts. The re-iterate the same thoughts and B.S. And now, there is huge bias in what is advocated because their incentives are unaligned with readers. I feel, most people fall prey to such charlatans and snake-oil sales-people, and it’s about time I call out the B.S. I see. I don’t know if these people are malicious or ignorant, either way, it needs to end.

So what makes this blog special?

  1. Well, firstly, I’m keeping it anonymous. I have no interest in fame or personal brand crap others’ yearn for. I believe there is immense power in anonymity provided I speak the truth, as I don’t receive any personal benefit from my actions. In time, if my theory here is wrong, I’m happy to stand corrected.
  2. I’m the voice of the voiceless. Whether I see corporate B.S or people selling snake-oil, I’m calling it out. I don’t want every day people to be harmed. Ideally, I’d like to create a border-less community with readers where we can instigate change when we see wrong-doing. So, if people see morally, legally, ethically questionable behaviour from any person or entity (e.g. rip-off products, bad advice, questionable actions), let me know with evidence. I also will complement the good when I see it.
  3. I will cover an array of topics. There is no stereotypical piece or pattern to my work. Some articles will be short, others long. And I have a wide array of topics and subjects I’m interested in, such as: Markets, Finance, Psychology, Health, Fitness, Art, Nutrition, Technology, History, Politics, Travel, etc. So one day, I may write about something that has peeked my interest in technology, and another day, something cultural in design. One day, I may critique a Company for investment and another I may chastise a CEO for their incompetence. Hopefully, it’s entertaining.
  4. This is no cookie cutter blog. The content is variable and the frequency is unknown. I don’t know when I will post. It Could be once a week. It could be twice a day. It could just be a link to a video I think will be useful for others, or it could be my own research.
  5. I don’t give a f-k. Pardon my English, but I’d rather be no-holds barred and radically transparent than join the B.S train.
  6. My legal disclaimer for all articles — the material contained on the blog is for entertainment purposes only.

That’s all for now. I may come back to re-fresh this post in time.


The Protagonist

PS — Day 1 is a shout out to Jeff Bezos and his letter to shareholders in April 2017. I like Jeff Bezos.

PPS — I had originally thought about naming this blog The Ascent.

a) I believe in moving forward/upward in life.

b) As an investor I’m having my worst losing streak this year (more on that another time).

c) I’m not a climber but was still inspired by the story of Alex Honnold, who free-solo-climbed El Capitan in Yosemite, this year.

