Introduction to Singularity

The Rad Bit
5 min readSep 12, 2021


An ultimate convergence!

CYBORG : Courtesy of Teen Titans

Most people know of the movie series The Terminator where a cybernetic android comes from the future to alter the timeline and disrupt a altered reality that was undesirable to machines. When the concept of human and technology integration is brought up this is normally the picture that most people have in mind, a dystopic society where machines rule the world. Singularity by definition is a hypothetical moment in time when artificial intelligence and other technologies have become so advanced that humanity undergoes a dramatic and irreversible change. We have all heard the common phrase “with great power comes great responsibility” , this can be applied to the conceptualists that envision a future where technology has been fully engrained in the very fabric of nature. Of course as with any tool this use cases for this integration can be seen to be negative when combined with malicious intent. One can even raise a point that it is morally and ethically wrong to change the identity of humanity with this integration. This integration of technology and the human anatomy could disrupting all that has been done over the millions of years that evolution has taken place. Yet, who is to say this is not apart of the evolution that nature has been processing since the beginning of time. Before you even ask yourself , no , no I am not talking about humanity growing from Neanderthals to homo-sapiens just to design and build machines that will then take over Earth and enslave the masses, replace unskilled laborers or fill the voids for those who have trouble finding love in other humans. Instead I am speaking of humanity developing technology that will be similar to a tailor fitted glove that fits perfectly over the matured hand ( the anatomy) to make it far superior to its predecessor.

Before we discuss this any further it should be put into perspective by the reader that there are many factors that actually go into making this a reality . These factors include proper and secure distribution of data , proper and secure implementation of artificial intelligence , maturing machine learning systems to a point where error rates can be as minimal as possible. The full understanding of the anatomy should be considered as well , although it is possible to integrate without knowing the full capabilities and functions of every organ in our body for example the brain , we do not know as much about the brain and its functions as we humans would like to at this point in space and time. As well of course privacy and preferences toward this subject. There is a lot to consider when conceptualizing the integration of said technology into the human anatomy. That is why this is ‘The Introduction to Singularity’ and not the ‘The Laws of Singularity’ which would require a vast understanding of all the systems involved including factors not mentioned previously.

For now lets just discuss broad possibilities , picture a future where you no longer had to speak to your companions using words in turn losing half of what you wanted say to your brain turning your thoughts into syntax that is understandable and relatable for your peers. Instead you share the thoughts from your mind directly with their mind , saving time , and possibly eliminating miscommunication (subject to comprehension, as is talking ). We can take it a step further and conceive a world where we no longer have to reach our pockets for metal/plastic cards with RFID chips that contain our private information to pay for consumable services/goods but instead waving your hand over a device similar to the point of sale systems we use now to process transactions. Not exciting enough yet ? Okay, lets envision a reality where we are solving blindness at any age in a humans life cycle through a simple update to your DNA/RNA . Doctor visits will transform from physical experiences into metaphysical visits to update and or change out technologies that are outdated or malfunctioning. Doctors will no longer be just specialists in the human anatomy and medicine but technologists as well.

Following the growth in the use of automation in multiple industries many questions have been brought to the forefront concerning automations presence and the jobs that it will possibly replace. Many believe automation will the bane to our existence once it reaches a general intelligence. I and many others disagree , in fact I and many others believe that machine learning has many crutches , as do humans. We see this technology and humanity being the perfect symbiosis to one another . Where both are weak with out each other and one lacks what the other has. Humans lacking the access to infinite information , processing , long lifespans due to deteriorating flesh , and computer systems lacking consciousness and much more. With the amalgamation of the two space-time travel can be sought after with a seriousness. It would take roughly 6000 years to reach the edge of this solar system , if humanity as we know it to be now has any legitimate plans of exploring the depths of the universe there must be an adjustment to our approach. Compare sending cyborgs ( person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body) to sending robots (as we do now , mars rover missions , moon rover missions , asteroid rover missions).

As you can see even without expert knowledge of all the systems involved in this integration of technology and nature there can still be a infinite amount of possibilities conjured up to conceptualize what is possible. Being that this is just the ‘The Introduction to Singularity’ we will leave the discussion here. We hope to have encouraged the reader to research these systems to prepare themselves for a better understanding of the coming future. Soon to follow will be ‘Singularity is it a luxury or necessary?’ . As a collective we will discuss the current state of humanity and the current state of technology and how both are affecting our everyday lives and the conveniences we experience. Enjoy the rest of your experience , until next “time” .

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