PinnedLegend of the Deer WomanCatori ran through the woods, her arms and legs pumping as hard as her sixteen-year-old muscles could move. She could hear her heartbeat…Nov 22, 202216Nov 22, 202216
PinnedPublished inHorror HoundsAmong the WolvesPiotr Kowalczyk lived by a simple mantra, “Sweep and live.” He was an old man, nearly sixty-five, in July 1943 when the Nazis had rounded…Jun 14, 20227Jun 14, 20227
PinnedPublished inHorror HoundsThe HuntersOver 1,600 people are estimated to be currently missing in the wildlands of the United StatesAug 23, 202211Aug 23, 202211
A Shadow Upon the ShoreTim Asher stood on the bridge of the Sea Spike and watched the small fleet of fishing boats fan out into a wide semi-circle. His dark eyes…Jun 23, 20233Jun 23, 20233
The Feast of AngelsBlood and gore darkened the cross’s wood and dripped onto Eleku’s floor.Jun 15, 20234Jun 15, 20234
Published inNocturnal NarrativesThe Heart of the Island“We trample upon their ancient cities and loot their sacred treasures. We think there will be no accounting for that.”Jun 8, 20232Jun 8, 20232
Published inNocturnal NarrativesBee is for BoyJames Harris felt the satisfying crunch against the soft skin of his palms as he slapped his hands together. He blew the crumpled body of…Jun 2, 20235Jun 2, 20235
Published inNocturnal NarrativesBy the Dark of the New Moon“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.” — Patrick Rothfuss,Apr 27, 20235Apr 27, 20235
Published inNocturnal NarrativesThe Children of Cahokia“We were wrong to create you,” the shaman used all his will to keep the tremble from his voice. “Cahokia was defeated; we should have…Apr 14, 2023Apr 14, 2023