Men Who Yell and Say Things Harshly

Guilty as charged and can’t say that many of us will change.

Cecil Carter
4 min readJun 24, 2022

I would like to apologize in advance to all the women who have been yelled at by a man or men. I wish there was a way to control how we express our anger, our pain, and frustration. Even the Bible says, “Be angry but do not sin.” I know some will read this and think of the abuse that happens, which goes hand and hand with yelling, arguing, and fighting. I am not going to dive that deep. I want to speak about men who haven’t gone off the deep end and harmed their spouse or partner. The ones that yell and eventually calm down. The ones that say things harshly and don’t emotionally abuse women.

I know we will have to agree to disagree, but it is built in most men to act with aggression. We are not so emotional that we will back down and cry if we are going to argue. This is the competitive nature of a man. I want to talk about this, so women know where it comes from and what it truly means. Yes, I admit that men say what they really think when they are angry. We can argue about the bills, but if it gets ugly, we will yell about something that we didn’t like about how you spent money months ago because we didn’t resolve it in our minds. This is what a man that doesn’t argue about every single thing he doesn’t like. He will hold a few things, but they will…



Cecil Carter

I love to live and live to love. The darkness can’t keep out the light, so shine!