2 cities, 3 Days, 5 Women and 9 Caves of Virgin Mary — a recipe for disaster

Eleony Zhang
9 min readSep 18, 2017


I think i lost some of my pictures, but i will share what i have.

It all begins with the DREAM of doing Catholic Pilgrimage to 9 Caves of Virgin Mary all around Jogja — Semarang. We completed the courses in 2 days time! Granted, we did not do the cross walk. But, it was a special trip, nonetheless.

Goa Maria Sendang Sriningsih

First off was the Goa Maria Sendang Sriningsih, which located at the Dusun Jali, Desa Gayamharjo, Prambanan, Kabupaten Klaten. The word ‘Sendang’ means Spring. One of the main attraction for this place is for their ‘lucky’ water which is considered to be able to provide safety and free from illness.

Goa Maria Sendang Sriningsih, Borobudur, Yogyakarta.
Beautiful Rose Pattern Tiles

Goa Maria Sendangsono

One of the most famous Catholic spiritual sites in Jogjakarta for pilgrimage is probably Sendangsono. With Sendang meaning Water Spring, and sono derives from Sono Tree. The water spring is located under the Sono Tree, hence the name. What makes Sendangsono famous is the fact that it is beautifully designed by Romo YB Mangunwijaya and received the Aga Khan Award as an eco friendly architecture. Sendangsono complex was built with the concept of environmental friendly Javanese theme and utilizing natural materials.

Goa Maria Sendangsono, Yogyakarta

In 1929, Sendangsono was declared officially as a site of pilgrimage by Romo J.B Prennthaler SJ. Sendangsono is located in Banjaroya Village, Kalibawang, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta and often dubbed as Indonesia’s Lourdes. The statue of Virgin Mary as seen on picture above was presented by the Queen of Spain and was carried with great difficulty from under the village of Sentolo by Kalibawang people.

Even if you’re not a practicing Catholic, the cool atmosphere of Menoreh Hills and the rush of river water flowing not far from the location of the Cave, as well as the beautiful architecture itself are enough to make this place worth a visit.

Goa Maria Lawangsih

I think this was probably my personal favourite out of all the caves we visited. I was not sure whether it was because of the timing or just the whole experience, i really like it there. It has two statues, one was visible at the outside court, the other is located inside a natural stone cave. When we finally reached Lawangsih, it was almost dark — around 8 p.m or so and it was located up the hill. Therefore, you can be sure to be greeted by a cool breeze. The cold weather just makes it all the more serene and gives you an overall good experience.

Statue on the outside
Natural Stone Cave, Lawangsih

As it is located on the hill, it would take you quite a bit of a drive. But, i believe, it is worth the trip. You can even stay the night there and lodge at the local’s houses. They are more than happy to accommodate you.

Goa Maria Sendang Jatiningsih

To get to this location, it requires a little bit of walking and steps. It was raining and so the ground was a little bit slippery.

Goa Maria Sumur Kitaran Mas

This is one of the places where my photos seems to be missing or perhaps i forgot to take one.. Oops! Was too busy spraying water on my hands and feet.

St Mary Assumpta Pakem, Wikipedia.
The Well from Maria Assumpta Pakem Church

“Kitiran Mas” is another name for a Semar that represent human as well as a Savior God that protects f rom chaos. It’s located inside the St. Mary Assumpta Pakem Curch. The windmill is used as a pulley to take water out from inside the well. Due to the popularity of the place, a second well was dug, which was bigger in size. The water from the well is considered ‘holy’ water which has healing properties — to those who believed. You can use the water to wash your hand, face and feet, even consume it… or not.

Ganjuran Church

This is the only place out of the one we visited that did not have a Virgin Mary Cave. Nonetheless, it is still one of the most popular location to visit. The complex of Ganjuran church was built in 1924 and was completed with the construction of a temple named Jesus Sacred Heart Temple in 1927. The temple with the terrace decorated with lotus flower and the statue of Jesus in Javanese clothes offering closeness with Javanese culture.

Ceiling Details of Ganjuran Church

“Walking around the church, you will realize that this building was designed by integrating European, Hindu, and Javanese styles. European style is seen from the shape of the building forming a cross from above view, while Javanese style is seen from the roof forming tajug that is supported by four teakwood pillars, symbolizing four Gospel writers, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.”

Tap for Holy Water

You can take holy water from the left side of the temple, you can bring your own bottle or buy a 3L Jerry Can for about IDR 25–30K (consider it donation). After taking water (which you can bring home), you can lit a candle and sit in front of the temple and say your prayer.

The place is a full of history and Javanese culture. You can spend time to talk with the local people to know more about the history of Ganjuran, the village and the church. As we went on a Sunday, the church was actually used for a traditional Javanese Wedding Ceremony. The bride wore Kebaya complete with her head piece. All the guests wore traditional Javanese clothes. Any couple celebrating their love is such a beautiful thing.

Wedding Ceremony at Ganjuran Church

Goa Maria Berduka

After Ganjuran, we went to Goa Maria Berduka. This location was small compared to the other places we visit. And if memory recalls, this was where the drama starts to began. Lack of sleep and hungry belly will do that to you. One thing for sure that i would suggest was that, please respect other people’s time in their prayer. No one likes being rushed while making intentions to God. I could say this because, yep. You guessed it! One of the Aunts was being overly sensitive, as she’s still praying and we were already waiting inside the car with the engine running. I guess that just got in her nerves. Once she got in the car, the mood is not at all pleasant.

Gua Maria Berduka, Jogja

Goa Maria Pereng Kopeng, Salatiga, Semarang

I think this is on the prettier ones. Just look at the stone details surrounding the cave. It was raining when we got here. The pathway to the caves was through multiple steps and stairs. Carefull! It can get pretty slippery.

Goa Maria Pereng Kopeng, Salatiga, Semarang

Goa Maria Kerep Ambarawa (GMKA)

My lit tea light candles in the front row

This is the second most famous spot apart from Sriningsih and Sendangsono. Crafted by a local Ambarawa artist himself, with the height of 42M tall, this virgin Mary statue is a thing of beauty.

Statue of Bunda Maria Kerep Ambarawa

As we reached our last place, we spent a few moments for snacks.. Outside of the Bunda Maria Kerep Church, there are various street vendors that sell traditional food such as, Sekoteng and Grilled Sweet Corn, as well as souvenirs. You can take a stroll along the ‘market’ or even stop for a delicious treat like us!

Grilled Sweet Corn ~ Yummy!!
Sekoteng (Ginger Dessert)

Well, you can’t go to central of Java without doing a little culinary exploration. The women in my family are perhaps a little extreme. We head over to Semarang just for Swike (Frog dish) and Lumpia (Veggie Roll with Bamboo Shoots). In their defense, we were already going to Jogja anyway, why not drive a few hours more to Semarang. Okay, sounds logical. These are the foods that we had — some where not even photographed as it was devoured the minute it arrived on the table.

Soto and Fried Chicken
Kue Putu (melted Palm sugar fillings with coconut shavings) and Bakmie Kadin

Well, they said that Bakmie Kadin is famous in Jogja. However, after an hour of waiting and it finally came, the taste was underwhelming. We decided to fill up with Kue Putu instead. I find that it’s not worth the wait. I think one of the main reason it’s always crowded was the fact that they open up till late. Other than that, i really don’t quite see the appeal. Coz, when on vacation, you are tired, you are hungry, and waiting an hour plus just for mediocre food is certainly not the way to go. (We got here around 10 p.m)

Ayam Goreng Bu Tini, Jogja


Short Stocky Candles — It’s ideal for outdoor and no fuss in trying to make them stand

For candles, I actually was overexcited or overtly eager and did not think it through. I bought tea light candles and long sticks kind. What i thought that tea light would certainly makes it easier to just light and put without having to worry if it would stand — oh, boy!!! I could not be more mistaken. It certainly gonna be just a waste! Once you light it, as it has a short fuse, it would be diffuse by the blowing wind as these caves are outdoor!! And i actually brought them from Jakarta. You really did not have to do this!! You can easily buy them at the location. All of the bigger places and locations, would certainly have a ‘market’ that sells them. Plus, you’ll be doing the locals good by purchasing it there — and it’s not marked up as you would have thought. I bought mine at Ob*r. More Expensive!! If you don’t believe me, you can get tea light candles at Ik*a. It’s Cheap and in Bulk.. But, I’ve warned ya! Short stocky kinds are the winner!

Please do wear sensible shoes when going for a pilgrimage. Comfortable footwear is your friend! Happy Pilgrimage-ing! Peace be with you.


For those who are wondering, most of the photos are unedited and taken using Sony a6300 with fixed lens.



Eleony Zhang

A dreamer, a friend, an animal lover and amature photographer.