The Evolution of Movie Genres: Examining Shifts in Popularity and Diversity from the 90s to Today

Rewind Zone
14 min readAug 24, 2023

The movie industry is constantly evolving to match changing audience tastes and preferences. As culture shifts and new technologies emerge, so do trends in the stories Hollywood chooses to tell and the genres that dominate the box office. By examining the market share of different genres over time, we can track meaningful changes in what kinds of movies draw audiences and generate profits.

Tracing the evolution of genres from the mid-90s to today, we see a significant reshaping of the cinematic landscape. While some genres have maintained steady popularity, others have dramatically risen and fallen in prominence. Understanding these trends provides insight into larger cultural patterns and forces shaping the movies we watch.

*Data used to compile these findings can be found at The Numbers Website

The Reigning Genres: The Consistent Allure of Action and Adventure

In 1995, at the dawn of our data sample, Action and Adventure films accounted for 23.68% and 22.14% of the total market share, respectively. Flash forward to 2023, and Action’s share has dipped slightly to 22.32%, while Adventure has seen mild growth to 26.72%. Clearly, these adrenaline-filled, escapist genres have an enduring appeal to mass audiences.

What qualities make Action and Adventure movies so reliably popular decade after decade? Both…



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