Parenting Strategies For Establishing Routine in Summer

The Roots
5 min readJul 1, 2024

Summer vacation often conjures images of carefree days and spontaneous fun. While these elements are essential for children’s development and relaxation, maintaining a sense of routine during the summer months is equally important. A structured routine helps children feel secure, manage their time effectively, and transition smoothly back to school. Here are some tips for parents on how to incorporate routine into their children’s summer activities.

Photo by Prophsee Journals on Unsplash

Set Consistent Wake-Up and Bedtimes

Consistency in sleep patterns is crucial for children’s health and well-being. Even though school is out, maintaining regular wake-up and bedtime schedules helps regulate their internal clocks. This consistency supports better mood, behavior, and overall energy levels throughout the day. Establishing a relaxing bedtime routine, such as reading a book or listening to calming music, can ease the transition to sleep.

Plan Daily Activities

Creating a loose daily schedule that includes a mix of educational, physical, and recreational activities can keep children engaged and balanced. This might include time for reading, outdoor play, creative projects, and quiet time. By providing structure, children know what to expect, which reduces anxiety and helps them…



The Roots

Enjoys writing summaries of books and current happenings related to life, leadership, self-improvement and the great outdoors