Details on upcoming airdrop

The Sevens Official
2 min readSep 13, 2021


Dear Sevens Family

We’d like to share with you the details of the 550 7’s NFT airdrop that will be coming very soon.

Working out a fair process for the drop has almost completely consumed the Core Team over the last few days post-launch. We’ve seen the feedback that the team is quiet, and this is the reason why. We have been absolutely determined to explore every option available to us and have worked through countless scenarios before arriving at our final best case solution.

We have over 20k unique wallet addresses with either failed or cancelled transactions to include in the drop

  • The drop will be done in the form of a raffle/lottery
  • All failed or cancelled transactions on our Sevens contract between blocks 13,180,403–13,190,402 (both inclusive) will be included in the draw
  • Those with higher ETH transactions would have been more likely to succeed in minting a 7’s NFT and therefore we have weighed the draw slightly in their favour. The average cost of minting a 7’s NFT was 0.9ETH. Those who spent more than average will receive two tickets, those who spent less will receive one
  • Each unique wallet address will only be eligible to win once
  • There will be two separate draws:
  • For the first draw, we will publish the participant list, along with the source code for the draw, on our GitHub at 11:00 UTC 14th Sept
  • We will then announce a future Bitcoin block height. Once that block is mined, we will use that hash to seed our source code for the draw and then subsequently publish the winners and distribute
  • For the second draw, we will publish the participant list along with the source code for the draw on our GitHub at 11:00 UTC 17th Sept, and then follow the same process
  • Winners of each draw will be announced within 24 hours of publishing the data and executing the lottery

Thank you all for your support of The Seven’s and again we apologize for this incident. We very much look forward to putting this behind us all, and moving forward together

Much love — The Sevens Team



The Sevens Official

7,000 unique aesthetic collectibles with references from pop culture, anime, games, memes, movies, and more.