7 Week Body Transformation

Daniel Grant
6 min readDec 9, 2014


To achieve outstanding results — Fast — go here: Results within 7 weeks

MP 7Week-Body-Transformation


So if you didn’t know I have been a personal trainer for over 13 years now. What you will know is that personal training is all about results. If I wasn’t getting results with someone, I would stop working with them & start up with someone else!

Bearing this in mind I created my business around getting my clients the results they want fast. As I did this & after repeated success I realised that there are certain specific principles that must be followed in order to achieve outstanding results in the shortest possible time.

So where am I going with this? I’m going to talk to you about something I put together that guarantee’s results. These results are a physical transformation. The great thing is that what also comes with this physical transformation is a mental & psychological transformation. Don’t just take my word for it, check out what others are saying.

That is why I created 7Week-Body-Transformation. It is a detailed guide of how to alter the shape of your body for the better, within a short space of time. Click here for more details.

Too Many Results!

Some systems try to do too much! They try to change too many things at the same time & offer too many results! That may sound a little weird but my point is that if you try & offer every result under the sun then you will definitely not achieve them all — if any!

So how is my system different I hear you ask? Well 1stof all it is created around the end goal of decreasing body-fat & increasing muscle tone. Sounds like 2 goals right? However, they go hand in hand. Have a look through my other blog posts to gain a better understanding of how more muscle tone helps with body-fat loss.

Now the other main goal of this system is to deliver these results within 7 weeks. Something else I found through my years of searching & testing technique after technique & system after system is that a time goal is essential to hold your mind on track. Not only that, but the period of time of that goal is also critical.

Crack The Code

After testing literally hundreds of specific elements & doing the research behind the theory I finally came up with a full-bodied system that is proving to cover all the bases. The goals of the system are tight & clear, plus, the time frame to achieve those goals is set & also realistic.

Sounds great right! To be honest part of the reason I created this is because I was also looking for the answers myself. I also wanted that ripped muscular physique, I wanted it yesterday! However that rippling 6pack seemed to be avoiding me for a number of years! Well at last I cracked the code & as a personal trainer it is my job to share that discovery with you.

The course is a 7 week, shape changing system, offered in 4 different ways. The great thing is that you can choose which level of support & therefore which way suits you best. The results are right there waiting for you now: 4 ways to get started today.

TM 7Week-Body-Transformation

4 -Ways…

There’s a Book, a Course & the option of One2One personal training. Depending on your starting point & previous experience you can get involved at the perfect level of coaching for you.

The Book is delivered in 1 swoop, which you read & apply so it’s a form of DIY with the guidance provided. If you like to do things yourself, have a good level of gym experience & understand the basic principles then the book could be for you. Check it out here.

The Course is a 7 week coaching program delivered in stages. You start with some info gathering of your measurements, weight, height, body-fat % etc & your starting pictures.

Each week you receive a PDF document explaining exactly what you need to do for that week. The course system is built piece by piece week after week, so that it is not an overload of new information.

There are always at least 3 coaches available to answer your questions & a group chat system is also in play at all times.

With the group chat you have the support of others who are on a similar journey as you. You have unlimited email & social media access to your coaches.

Videos are also shared via our YouTube channel to explain exercises & specific points.

Check out some course details here. You complete the course how you started it with your re-measurement. We then successfully capture the progress you’ve made, document it & revel in your success.

The One2One option is the course delivered to you via your very own personal coach. All the course options are delivered within our North West London gym. As you will be training with your personal coach you will need to make your training appointments to be held at our gym.

There are 2 choices within this option. The Gold Package is the option of training with a 7Week-Body-Transformation specialist of your very own. You will have unlimited phone, email & social media contact with your personal coach & they will guide you through the entire program with all their focus just on you. They will make sure that everything is clear & you are progressing as quickly & effectively as possible. Check out all the details here.

The 2ndOne2One option is The Platinum Package. The course is delivered to you week by week by the creator of 7Week-Body-Transformation — Daniel Grant, that’s me! I will personally guide you through the entire process, make sure you understand everything, provide you with all your supplements (this is the only package where all your supplements are included in you investment). You will have unlimited access to me via phone, email & social media.

Lastly, there are only 6 Platinum Packages available per year & it’s first come first serve. There is a preliminary chat before this course as alongside being super busy I have to check if you’re the right client for me — I’m always looking to help determined, driven individuals reach their physical peak & will not waste my or your time. Check out some of the testimonials here.


When you join the movement you become part of the community. You’ll receive regular appropriate, informative & motivational information plus support via the social media channels.

We are having great success with the program & are currently taking bookings for the next course start date. If you are interested in getting started make contact today.

If it’s not for you right now then you can still get a lot of free help, information & support by following this blog. It’s 1 click on this page, when you do you’ll get all the latest info from ShapeTrainer straight to your inbox without having to lift a finger.

Alternatively join our email-team-list & in the process grab your free eBook as a gift from us, click here — a member of the team on the war against fat.

You can also join us at one of our social media platforms to get daily motivational coaching & it’s all free.

Let us know if we can be of any help.

For Your Best Health

Daniel & The ShapeTrainer Team


If you’re interested in the course then look at all the information & click every button to make sure all your questions are answered, it’s all here.


If any of this sounds interesting check out my main site, which contains this program & many other specific tools to help you on your journey to optimum health & fitness, to go to my main site click here.

Originally published at theshapetrainer.wordpress.com on July 21, 2013.

