9 Essential-Amino-Acids-Series: Volume 2: Valine

Daniel Grant
3 min readFeb 17, 2015


Valine is one of the 9 essential amino acids — meaning it is an amino acid that cannot be produced by the body- it must be obtained through the diet.

This means that it is important that you eat a diet rich in all 9 of these amino acids in order to keep your body healthy & balanced.

Learn about Valine & keep an eye out for the other 8 blogs in our 9-Essential Amino Acid Series.

Click Here For The Perfect Blend Of Amino Acids In A Supplement

What is Valine? …

Valine is a nonpolar, hydrophobic essential amino acid which helps with muscle growth. Valine is hydrophobic, meaning it prefers to be buried in the interior core of proteins.

Valine plays a role in muscle metabolism, the maintenance of a proper nitrogen balance in the body & tissue repair.

The Chemical Formula & Structure…

All amino acids have a general formula: H2NCHRCOOH

Valine’s chemical formula is: C5H11NO2

…& it is structured as follows:

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What Does It Do?…

Valine plays the following roles in the body:

  • Stimulates metabolism & tissue repair
  • Provides energy to the muscle tissue
  • Treats liver & gallbladder disease
  • Provides glucose
  • Promotes mental vigor
  • Supports muscle coordination
  • Promotes calm emotions
  • Helps remove excess nitrogen from the liver
  • Helps transport nitrogen to all tissues in the body

Click Here For The Perfect Blend Of Amino Acids In A Supplement

Where it Comes From…

High doses of valine can be found in the following foods:

  • Grains
  • Mushrooms
  • Soy Flower
  • Peanuts
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Meats
  • Vegetables


Valine deficiencies can create a negative hydrogen balance in the body. Deficiencies can result in:

  • Insomnia
  • Muscle sensitivity
  • Deteriorating muscle function
  • Mental Health Impairment
  • Loss of Balance
  • Heightened sensitivity to allergens

Optimal Amount To Take….

25–65 mg per pound of body weight is the optimal amount per day.

However, if you are a frequent exerciser, are trying to build muscle mass or don’t get enough protein in your diet — it is important to consider a valine or amino acid supplement.

Click Here For The Perfect Blend Of Amino Acids In A Supplement

Works Best With…..

While valine can stand-alone it works best when taken with two other branched-chain amino acids: isoleucine & leucine.

It is ideal to find a BCAA supplement that provides appropriate amounts of amino acids in combination.

Click Here For The Perfect Blend Of Amino Acids In A Supplement

To Your Best Health,

ShapeTrainer Daniel Grant


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Originally published at theshapetrainer.wordpress.com on January 3, 2015.

