Missing Gaps for Your Saftey (future articles and collaboration ideas)

The Tactical Victim
3 min readOct 26, 2023


(Still Editing-Writing)

This article goes over what I’m missing from this blog:

  • Areas that I have not covered that may put you in danger.
  • It is also reminders for me, per extra notes and details I need to add to my articles at a later date.

Please Note:

I nor my Blog, can NOT Guarantee Your Safety.

My Articles Can Greatly Help you, and Save You Thousands of Hours of research and money.

They MAY, Save your life too.

Major Risk:

If you live in a home, and can’t leave, there is very little I can do to help you.

Home Security Systems, may or May Not buy you time.

They may just wait for you to leave.

Most of my advice is based off of leaving and after you leave.

My Notes to Self:

More citing in each article I write:

stats, statistics, org. articles, excerpts, quotes, examples from the news, other medium.com authors, celebrity examples, books-websites for resources.

Also, more pictures and videos.

AREAS I haven't Covered


Less Educated on with OPSEC and Risk for Victims

DMV and State ID records
How to use and llc for all things
(bank..I think needs to be a business account), purchases, assets, etc

Do victim confidentiality programs help with this?

Steps to take with new state paperwork/options/addressees.

Can and how to use Address confidentiality programs..
for the car, home, voting

How/can using llcs help?

Different types of llcs
private to public
laywer vs online (is a laywer necessary)

Social Media

I HAVE NOT Researched EVERY conceivable way,
for your location to be inadvertently shared.

(Don’t forget about comments, picture titles, or their ability to click on your friends profile.)

Using amazon, ebay and shipping more securely?
-Maybe, pre-paid debit card, a private mailbox?
-Not using your real name (provided its legal)

Voting ?
(how to eliminate the public information part?)

Banking more securely
Payments, receive and sending money.

Online Banking
“You must have a valid Social Security number. You must be at least 18 years old to open a Checking Account. You must be a citizen or a permanent resident of the 50 United States and Washington, DC. You must use a United States Post Office-recognized residential mailing address.

  • Some of the private mail box solutions may work for this.
  • I have to find out


Name changes (implications for all above)..
Name vs social security number change

Dv/stalking Laws (US-State Specific, Overseas laws for victims.saftey, rights, resources)

Extra complications with marriage/children
There are so many more financial and legal ties.

However, this blog should still cover bases, that one would have not thought of before.

(baby monitor risks..walky talkies, kids electronic-remote controlled toys…child safety features on phone plans, computer APPS)

Also, this blog should help, so that the bases/risks I did not think of, you may be more likely too to discover.

Also, hopefully, what I haven’t covered, won’t expose your location immediately, and can buy you some time.


Home Security
(I realize some people already have a home, not an apartment)

This is much harder and more dangerous to deal with, as I’ve heard stories of people being killed when the ex comes back, police not always having the most helpful advice and so forth.

Trackers app
(still need more research for below article)

Tracking devices, car/camera..and how tomidentify and remove

-symptoms to identify they are on your phone

-apple comp.specialist

-apps to find it

-data transfer, phone to ohoje..safe?

Apartments credit check danger vs craisglist (living requirements)

Credit score/checks/pulls


Laws and cases (national, state examples, international laws?)

(Chat, perplexity)

That could help us in the US/globally

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The Tactical Victim

Male Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Here to help you Assess the Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional