Can he/she see Your WhatsApp and Other Messages on their Phone too? (Yes)

How the “linked devices” feature can be missued

The Tactical Victim
4 min readJul 8, 2024
Photo by Lauren Mancke on Unsplash

What is the linked devices feature?

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
  • “Linked devices provide a reliable, secure way to access WhatsApp from any of your devices.”

This is ideal for when you don’t have your phone, but have your tablet or labtop on you and want to access your messages there.

  • “You can stay connected by linking up to four devices at a time to your primary phone.
  • “You’ll still need your primary phone to register your WhatsApp account and link new devices.

WhatsApp isn’t the only app to have a “linked/connected devices” feature

Photo by camilo jimenez on Unsplash

FamilyOrbit goes on to show you how to check if your device is connected to any others.

Android Police explains how Google already has similiar features, and will have something the replicates what Apple does.

How a Victim Can use the feature as a “back up” too:

There’s nothing wrong with the feature itself.

I think in some cases, it can also be used by a victim.

⚠️ Warning:

Victims who have stalkerware on their device/devices, will need to get rid of it, or get a new device.

I did not have this problem and not all do.

Photo by Ed Hardie on Unsplash

So, if you’re CERTAIN (get the device checked by a computer store), then, and only then, will what I say next be of help.

If you have to escape, and can’t grab your phone (maybe it’s too dangerous to return home), using this feature and having a tablet at your work/storage, the feature would allow you to leave your phone behind (and if you have an Apple you can cancel/wipe the phone).

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

💡 Idea: You can leave the tablet at work, your storage (setting
yourself up for your escape plan),
and can still use the WhatsApp (or other apps that have this connection/linked feature).

Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash

How to Prevent someone from placing this “linked devices” feature on your phone?

To prevent this from happening in the first place, you can use some basic privacy steps to prevent this.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

1st: Use a PIN (that only you know) to lock your devices.

2nd: Don’t use facial, finger print or swipe, to lock your lock your phone.

Why PIN?:

An abuser will use the others to access your phone/tanlet, while your sleeping (also, the swipe can be seen with the grease mark it leaves on the screen).

3rd: Someone may ask to use your phone and very quickly, can set this feature up, right in front of you, without you knowing.

Solution: look it up yourself, call yourself or whatever it is, while keeping the phone in your hand, if you decide to help them.

Signs to Watch Out for:

In partners or others, if their intentions are not benign.

Photo by Sivani Bandaru on Unsplash

⚠️ They may try and manipulate you into letting them use the phone:

  • “What, you don’t trust me? I let you..”
  • “Don’t be silly, stupid, paranoid
  • What’s wrong with you, do you think I’m going to do something to your phone?”

How to Make Sure Your Messages Are Only For a Your Eyes


It is easy to check and stop:

  • “In WhatsApp, go to Settings—Linked Devices, and make sure you recognize anything listed.
  • If you haven’t linked any of your own devices and see links there, or if there are links you don’t recognize, then log out right away.
  • The same risks and safety checks apply to most messengers that link in this way, rather than through a trusted device architecture.”

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The Tactical Victim

Male DV, SA and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Acting as Your "Blue Team" AI Expert to help you: ⬇ Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional