Defensive Driving Maneuvers-Worst Case Scenario Training

The Tactical Victim
7 min readDec 5, 2023


Photo by Oswald Elsaboath on Unsplash

Although it is unlikely you will have to use these driving tactics to escape danger, it is possible.

I have been followed before, when I was on a date with a woman.

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒

Event: The Date

Photo by Jordan Graff on Unsplash

We left a restaurant and as we were walking through the parking lot, we both noticed a car that seemed to be following us.

Dismissed Our Fears
-Given how unlikely this was, we both laughed, but were glad the other noticed too.

We tried not to think too much of it.
Maybe they were looking to pick up their friends, and we looked like them?

Series of Events

As we pull out, the car is waiting for us
(we are thinking they must have been waiting to park and we wrongly got scared).

  • However, it did not park but rather, followed us.

I decided to make a few turns in the parking lot, as if I was looking for a parking space again.

  • Still following

I left the parking and drove to the other side of the mall,

  • Still following
Photo by Eugene Triguba on Unsplash

Making Sure I’m Being Followed

Why the Odd Turns, Changing Areas in the Mall?
By making odd turns, I used this to determine the probability that it was coincidence

  • or, if we were actually being followed.

Too many Coincidental Turns

Now, she became scared (she doubled check the doors were locked).

Side Note: Call 911 Sooner than I did

(actually, we never called, but probably should have)

If this is you and there's been a series of turns and the following of you is unlikely coincidental.

Your Kids are with You
— especially if you’re with you’re children,
its better to call 911 at this point,

so police can make their way towards you,
— before it gets worse.

Set Up:
Put it on speaker/Blue tooth,
so you have both hands on the wheel.

What if You’re Wrong?
That’s okay,
better to be wrong and let the police know you’re sorry/made a mistake.
-(maybe you see they were picking up someone in the parking lot and then they drive away)

It’s Better Than:

a) Your car breaks down (while being followed)

b) You get caught in a dead end
(don’t drive into a
dead end..but in panic, you might on accident)

Photo by Toan Nguyen on Unsplash

c) You’re at a stop light, waiting in one place…
Weapon: they now get out with a baseball bat/gun,
you’re screaming, and no one knows,
(adrenaline pump): you can’t call the police as you’re now fighting for you’re life
and police will take longer, or get their
after your dead.

Photo by Max Kleinen on Unsplash

VS, Calling 911 in Advance

-You’re in touch with the operator,
-Telling them what road your on/mall you’re at
-Identifying the car thats likely following you

Police in the area, may have been notified and may be aware of where you’re at
(making it quicker and easier to find you, if the situation gets worse for you)

Photo by henry perks on Unsplash

Also, as developments occur:
(if the driver pulls out a
baseball bat, weapon,
this call
you stay on,
will increase the rate in which police will show up,
(as you’re telling the operator the
danger is now immediate and severe).

and, you’re more likely to get police there sooner,
survive or get quicker medical treatment if you get attacked
(and, have to defend yourself/get tired), for less time.

Photo by Andrea Ferrario on Unsplash

The call,
(leave on even if for some reason, you’re trapped and have to fight),

will record the sounds of threats made and what happens too
(gunshots — and they will send more police).

Back to the Event

The Main Road

I got on the main road, and the car kept right behind us.

I passed a few cars (now speeding),
the car came up right behind us,
getting very close to our bumper.

Flashback-The Intersection Technique

Photo by Deb Dowd on Unsplash

I had then remembered something I read in a book, in case this happens.

It involves driving up to an intersection,

waiting for the light to turn red,

and right as it turns red (and the other cars start taking off),

to slam on the gas and drive though the intersection,

with Just Enough Time… for you to get through.

The Help?

The person stalking you, if they follow, will get hit by the incoming cars.

Passenger Warning

  • I tell my date the basics of what I will soon do,
    not to worry as what I'm about to do is intentional and timed.

I don’t want to scare her nor put myself at risk if she:
start yelling in fear, distracting me.

Harder in Practice

Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash
  • This of course requires some timing and luck.
  • That day, luck was on my side, and I did just that.
  • Whoever was following us, was likely shocked at what I did,
    I got through the red light,
    and it worked.

Continue Evading

After crossing,
I made sure that car had not followed, and I continued to speed,
probably 20 or more over the limit, to create distance.

I also took turns,
and made it impossible,
for that person to find us again.

Photo by Lucas Vieira on Unsplash

-PS: I am not recommending you speed,
as this could put you and your passengers in more danger.

I was lucky again, and the road was clear
(which also would make it easier to find us again, had we kept going down the same road slowly)

The Police?

Had I been pulled over, I would have been more than happy to tell the officer why I was speeding.

If You’re Being Followed by Car

Check out the below videos,
as they will be quite helpful in increasing our awareness,

and help our mind come up with plans
(the same way I had the “flashback”, with what I had read, YEARS AGO…when I needed it most)

Do Not

  • Drive Home (Now, they know where you live)
  • Drive to a Family or Friends House (now, you’ve put them in danger)
  • Get out of the car
    (you’ll be easier to harm, it will likely be more difficult for you to escape, or may get hit by another car)

-Drive to a Police Station/Call the Police*

  • If you’re with a passenger, have them call 911, read the license plate, model of car.
  • 911 is easy to dial, but, make sure you’re not speeding, swerving or in between swerving
  • Use your horn if necessary at the police/fire station, to GET ATTENTION

-Stalkers/predators/rapists/violent criminals, do not want noise and attention coming their way..they don’t want to be seen by others or identified.

-Second Best: Fire Station/Bank

-Third: Mall/Strip mall

(Witnesses, cameras, other that might call 911, come to your rescue/fight the attacker)

More Driving Techniques that May Protect you?

Here’s one video below, which. albeit boring, gives us some insight to other maneuvers we can train in to keep ourselves safer.

If Being Followed On Foot

  • Act strong, confident, capable (like you know where you’re going)

-Go to a Store, Mall, Hospital, Restaurant (which usually has 2 exits, one in the kitchen), Starbucks: lots of light, lots of people around

-Find an employee, security guard, police, a group of people
(Depending on the situation, you could Appraoch and say:
“Hey I’m being stalked, call 911 now)

  • If in a neighborhood, knock on a door, start yelling for your “uncle”,
    giving the impression a man will be coming out and is home


-Don’t hide in an alley/Somewhere dark
-Don’t drive home/to work

(especially not home, if they see you work there, they could be waiting later)

-Maybe — Don’t get on your phone (unless its quick to get help, notify someone/police),

Otherwise — it means your distracted, and they may think it time to get you

Related Articles:

Potential Advantages of Pepperball Guns for DV Victims: Home/Travel Self Defense | by The Tactical Victim | Medium

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-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒



The Tactical Victim

Male DV, SA and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Acting as Your "Blue Team" AI Expert to help you: ⬇ Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional