Hidden Social Media Dangers You Never Thought of

Comments, Likes, Tags (with your name in it)

The Tactical Victim
2 min readOct 28, 2023

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒

You can be found in a variety of ways online.

Ways you would never think of.

These points below are NOT All of them, but, likely ones you didn’t think about.

Also, these apply for All Social Media Channels-Websites-Groups.

  • Someone posts a picture of you at an event, and you use that picture for another social media profile
  • Someone tags you, or just types your name into their post, video or picture title
  • You use geo location for your photos, thus giving away your city and state, given someone commented on your name
  • Someone comments your name in a photo, post, blog, group event
  • You use the same email or phone number/another verification/sign up method, that you used before you escaped.

How are these Dangerous?
Stalkers, those with obsessions, violent intentions, will have all kinds of ways of finding you, on purpose and sometimes on accident, if those things happen.

Its easiest just to not have social media and if so, if doesn’t have your name.

How to Create Social Media, if Needed:

Instead of using your name, use a Fan Page, or something like that. Also, there tend to be more privacy settings with those pages too, where your name doesn't have to be revealed.

Location Info:
You can put anything you want. The state my social media page says I’m in, is a totally different state. Even some of the jobs I have for my FB, are different companies.

You may have to start all over.

You can have an account for those you meet in your state, and one for those you meet online.

Lets just say you’re found, and someone you know knows your abuser.
You will still have another account (which requires another email), of contacts that think you’re in that other state.

-Layers, think layers

Obvious: Facebook Name/Social Media Handle is yours or a previously known nickname.

It will be easy to find.



The Tactical Victim

Male Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Here to help you Assess the Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional