How Having 2 Bank Accounts Will Save Your Life (Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims)

Preventive Post

The Tactical Victim
4 min readNov 2, 2023

(This article is not complete but can be used as a basic guide for now)

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash

Most of the articles here are are focused on escaping if you are in danger now.

I feel these will save you if you are in danger, right now.

Prepared In Case

However, the second best way to save your life, is to be prepared, just in case.

I call these my preventive posts.

Why Might You get Two Bank Accounts?

1) Their Behavior is Concerning

You may be noticing some odd behaviors, feeling fear or sensing aggression or an increased obsession’s, jealousy and so forth.

Again, taking these steps won’t cost too much, and could make things alot less expensive in the future.

Also, they very well save your life.

(article on list of behaviors)

2) Repeated Abusive Relationships

Maybe you find yourself in a pattern of abusive and controlling relationships.

Yes, ultimately, will need a psychologist to help you uncover the subconscious components that influence this.

I’m not a psychologist, I’m a guy wo can help you escape though.

Why a Second Bank?

It will set you up for success and the ability to remain unfound for an extended period of time.

The requirement’s in getting a bank it will eliminate alot of challenges and hassles that will occur later on, especially those that will affect your safety.

(list basic requirements)

Also, it will save you valuable and precious time. Getting another address for it, may be difficult. My best advice, is to use a Virtual address. However, you may be able to use a homeless shelter, Address Confidentiality Program with your state, church, Post office box.

Ask the bank what they allow, and what their requirements are. The best, is a virtual mailbox (but, it costs money), as, that address can be in your home town state (which you may be leaving), or, it can be a different state, than the one you’re staying in.

Again, ask the bank, do it all legally. Again, I haven't done all the requirement research


Safety Note: I can not guarantee, that this is the last time you’ll have to get a bank account. You could make OPSC mistakes, or others, that could potentially negate this. However, I can’t think of if there are any, or what they would be, for now.

Setting up other banks in multiple states, may be a great way, to confuse your abuser as time goes on.

Choosing the Location

Not You’re town
If you choose one in your town, the risk is that other will see you doing this.

Also, if you have to make a run for it, you risk getting caught,

having to be on he look out when withdrawing money, and so forth.

Tips on Choosing the Location of your Second Bank

Choose a town, where no one will likely know you or recognize you

-This way, you will be one of many coming into that bank, when its go time, and you can focus on other concerns.

Choose a town far away enough from where you live
-this helps with the above and, if you’re being followed by sight (not electronics), it will make it easier to evade them

Make sure they don’t know anyone that works at that bank.

Security Procedures for your account.

Ask what available security features they have.

Your name, social security number, b-day, and so for them, will likely be known by your abuser..and can be impersonated by someone of your gender, age, and other ways now.

Some good options

And email verification, text, plus voice password/phrase, will help ALOT and counter other means they may try an get into your account.

Make sure no one else will know the passwords, logins, and password phrase you use.

(article on password security)

My advice, is for now, not to require a seperate token to log in…it will be easy to lose under stress, especially if you ran out of the house and they are holding a knife.

“A possession factor is something the user has, such as an ID card, a security token, a cellphone, a mobile device or a smartphone app, to approve authentication requests.”

How to Do All this Securely and Separately

Most Secure Set Up:

The mechanics and Logistics

-Separate phone number/ through a burner Phone →articles i have for each of these (NONE of the same added play store apps or accounts)(buy somewhere else, foloo same bank protocolfor choosing that location)(burner phone article)

-Sep: email (and Password)

-Separate address (virtual, homeless, ACP)
— Farther away from town, diff direction

Concern: Stalking apps, key loggers, dangers with your phone plan

-Public Storage
sep article…benefits..opp direction..highways..)
-WIll have debit card, other things you will need

Online banks (which are best for dv victims?)

Challenges…always spending time on my locations, data brokers, time off work, friends,

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Thank you all for your support :)



The Tactical Victim

Male DV, SA & Stalking Survivor 🔒 Acting as Your "Blue Team" AI Expert to help you: Escape-Survive, ⬇ Risk and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional