How much Information Can People Find out About You?

The Tactical Victim
2 min readOct 26, 2023


To Do a quick check:


-Your First, Middle and Last Name

-Your first name, last name

(And, variations you used)

-Phone Number(s)

Maybe you have a personal and business number, search both.

-Your Email(s)

-Social Media Handles

-Professional Accounts/Website

More Advanced

There are more ways people can find information about you, using other tools and digging deeper

(using everything I mentioned and more).

But, those first three steps are “pretty good”, since most people won’t do that even.

For those escaping:

If you are escaping you will want to use a data broker to determine what information can be discovered.

Some things will take a while to find, others will pop.up.on those sooner.

Then, you will want to go through this list, to get your information off the internet.

-(Michael Bazzel: Data Broker Removal Site)

-A Paid Service like “Delete Me”

Friends and family:

Keep in mind, your info may be private, but your relatives may be used (through social engineering), or through searches, to find information about you.

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The Tactical Victim

Male Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Here to help you Assess the Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional