How to Choose the Location of Your Bank and “Address”, When Escaping.

-The Tactical Victim-

The Tactical Victim
3 min readOct 10, 2023

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒

As a Domestic violence and stalking victim, the level of determination and capability of your predator/stalker, will determine how hard you have to work at not being found.

Both your tax registered address and a physical bank, can populate on Data Brokers websites.

Google can be your best friend (if you use it to determine what a google search can find out about you), or your worst enemy.


Your energy, if your not aware of what people can find about you, and you post on reddit, Google reviews, under your name and email address.

Data Brokers

Data brokers, will be your enemy too, even more so than, those can Ultimately show, where you live..

And they won’t pop up on Google until later.

The Trick

While escaping to a new state, get a job in one, and register your new temperary address, there.

-Later, in your new or different state, get a virtual

mailbox (that again, if in a different state and if it accepts physical mail too, you may need to go picknit up), as your new address for your work and tax documents (provided its legal, please double check).

Good Video on Virtual Mailboxes (possibly different than addresses)

Data brokers will pick up on the old physical one, in a different state, which is where your predator/stalker, will think you are.

Even if, somehow your virtual mailbox appears on data brokers sites, it will be in a different state, throwing them off again.

Bank Choice

I think this may also come up eventually.

Choose one in a different state than you settle.

Maybe even a bank(s), that also has the state name in it.

You may need to keep a minimum amount in the bank (choose the lowest, or one that doesn’t require this).

When it does come up, you will again, make them think you’re in another state.

Also, if you have to choose a bank in your state, having one in another state, will add to the confusion.

-So, make sure to choose it in a different city than where you live, in your chosen state.

Better banking options?



Use these whenever you can, this added “layer” helps reduce the amount of information that you give others.

Also, you can use a VPN, when using these over public wifi, for extra security.

Online Banks?

I will be looking into Online Banks, and see what advantages that may offer.

I will.look and see if you can use a virtual (physical address), for these.


I think you can register a bank under a business name too.

Again, check on the legality of everything, and don’t do anything of its not legal.

Certain states LLCs, are more private than others too.

Private Eyes

They can help you with all of this and more, but it will cost a pretty penny.

If you have the money though, it is well worth the help, as they will offer you even more ideas of what you can do to throw off your stalker!

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Thank you all for your support :)

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒



The Tactical Victim

Male DV, SA and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Acting as Your "Blue Team" AI Expert to help you: ⬇ Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional