How to Secure Your Phone and Phone Settings: Burner Phones

Phone Settings: (laptop/tablet/electronic devices, browsers, apps)

The Tactical Victim
6 min readOct 29, 2023

When you get your new cash prepaid phone
(do the same for any other electronic devices),

your new favorite place, will be the Settings and All its Features.

If you’re worried a google search of your phone number, email will show where you live on google, read this article too

Extra Safe:
Also, use Google Voice (a free text and call voip app), to give to people you don’t know.

  • Don’t use that number to sign up or register for anything either.

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒

Safety Note:
I’m not a phone security expert, but these are some simple steps you can use to keep yourself safer.


More Private and Less is Better
You will want to set things up to make everything More Private and More Secure.

Phone and App Settings

Settings, Settings, Settings
You will want to look at the Settings for not only your electronic devices, but also the Browser and Apps you download
(which, unless needed for legal purposes, shouldn't have your name,

When an Email Is Needed:
Use an email with your new nick name in it.
(not what others from your days with the abuser would know you as)

Starting Up the Phone (Tablet or other electronic device)

Say No, to as many of the features/requests for information as you can while starting up, and or limit what is shared and sent back.

Again, don’t go crazy or get too paranoid here.

Some of these are pretty much needed for the proper functioning of your phone.

You will have to tinker with this.

Free Phone Risk:

Note: the Lifeline government assistance program, sometimes known as “obama Phones”, will show your name when you call people.

Solution: Use a Google Voice App for calling people/places.

Better: Use a cheap burner phone.

(Of course, it depends on your Threat Model.
I think initially, I Said No to all of these when setting up one of my phones,
and learned the hard way do to issues with certain abilities not functioning (you may be able to go back and change the settings, as the person at the store).

You will need to use GPS, want google to be able to find stores near you and so forth.

Note: I threw out and bought a new burner phone, every time I changed cities.

Just Be Aware

The main point is to be aware of what choices you’re making and how that may impact you and limit what information you’re sharing.

It may be fine to say yes to some of them, but, try to say No, when you can.

I won’t go through all the steps here when setting up your phone, I don’t remember them.

General OPSEC Principle

However, I like to limit the information I share about myself, wherever I go and with whatever I do.

Create an Email:
When you have to create an email, that means using something not tied to your name, location or anything related to you.

Your may be using a different secure email anyway, so, just make something up, and use an easy password, that's different form your main one.

Additional Privacy Measures

Per Your Phone Settings:

Go into your phone settings and go to:


Turn off:

-Wi-fi (use with VPN “ON”)


-Wi-fi Calling

-More Connection Settings: Nearby Device Scanning (off)

-Turn off Mobile Hotspot and Tethering

-My concern here, is if you are still in the same town as your abuser and somehow, you come into contact with them or your friends, or are mistakenly using an old account (app etc), that you used on your other phone.

Again, I'm not a phone security expert, rather following the above OPSEC Principle of Limitation.

Connected Devices:
Quick Share: Who can Share with You (no one)
Connect Car: You’ll see here, it can be connected to your car

Lock Screen:
Use a PIN, its the most secure

Security and Privacy

  • Don't Use Biometrics (unless you’ve already escaped)
    -They can use your finger or your face while your sleeping.
  • Find My Mobile:
    Again, I would keep this off. If you've made any OPSEC mistakes, this could be a way for you to be found.
  • App Security:
    Allow the phone to automatically scan your apps for security issues.

Note: Antivirus
However, also get an antivirus for your electronic devices, which will cover more bases than the automatic scanner can.

-Yes, paid ones are better, but, if you pay for every feature when escaping, you will run out of money fast.

  • Updates:
    Periodically, check your phone for System and Security Updates, Always have a decent amount of battery, and make sure you won’t need to use you phone for safety reasons, as they can take some time

Car Charger, Phone Case, Mobile Charger/Plug
If you have to make a run, and your out of batter, when safe, you can plug it into the car, incase you need to call the police.

Also, get a phone case, doesn’t have to be too fancy, but, under stress, your much more likely to be dropping your phone. Opt for one with plastic/material, a bit thicker. Ideally is has some cushion.

To protect your laptop, have it in a couple of cushion based cases too.

Diagnostic Data:
I turned this off, which may not be necessary. But, I like to send less information about myself.

Its a good principle to follow.

“Other Security Settings”
-Security policy updates (switch on),
This will help you be notified sooner of security patches and updates


Most dv shelters will require you to turn your location off when you go to them.

App Permissions:
You will need to think about how it will affect the function of your phone, feel free to turning everything off at first, and adding selectively, which apps you want to add and see how it affects your day to day functioning.

-there is a range of “allow all the time-ask first- to Never”, which is very helpful.

Throw Away Your Phone, for the Next Location

-When you change cities/States

I was scared and did not have any of the information I am providing you all with.

I initially, made OPSEC Mistakes I didn’t realize I was making.

What saved me, was throwing out my phone ((I probably broke it too), just because I wasn't sure how I could be found by my abuser/stalker. So, I played it safe, and started over each move.

Looking back, that was a very good decision to make, as, I’ve made it much harder for my abuser to find where I am.

Cut off Contact with Past Contacts
Also, just to play it safe, I cut off all contact with those I knew in the last city or state too. Just in case my abuser got in touch with them, they'd have no way of getting in tocuh with me, nor me them.

  • Related articles (vpn, browser)…close session library

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Thank you all for your support.

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒



The Tactical Victim

Male Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Here to help you Assess the Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional