How Victims Can Learn from Prison Design to Protect themselves While Escaping

The Principle of Layers

The Tactical Victim
5 min readNov 4, 2023

Concept Post: The Layers Principle

One of the concepts I implement to keep myself safe, is layers.

Prisons use this concept as well.

Photo by Jonny Gios on Unsplash

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒

Visual Help
I include a video at the end, because seeing it in a physical manner, seems to help.

One of the first prisons in London, was easy to break out of.

It only had one layer, and the other two were very minimal.


Too Easy, too Simple

You could rappel down the side of the tower (maybe by breaking open the window and bars, that looked strong).

From there, there was a short wood wall and a small divot after, and then the prisoner reached freedom.

What Fixed it?

Another higher wall, followed by an extensive moat filled with deep water.

Ie..Adding Layers and making them Thicker

How to Implement Prison Layers for Your Escape and Journey?

When you find your last hiding place (ideally), get a new phone (and phone number), who’s area code is different than the state you live.

If your number does populate in a data broker account, it will be for a different state.

Photo by Mario La Pergola on Unsplash

How to Make that Layer Even Thicker?


-Change your phone number every time you change cities and or states, during your escape.

Change emails implementing the above principle (data brokers will sometimes collect this too).

The more you’ve had, the more scattered it becomes.

-”Moats of Water”

To further make it more difficult to keep track of you, you will have to stop talking to your friends who you spoke to in the last city or state.

If you make an OPSEC or INFOSEC mistake, this helps you.

In case they find your last place of work, you just disappear.

(Note to self:_

— link article of definitions per opsec and Infosec,

More and Even Thicker Walls?

You can add to the layers, with other tools:


Use an LLC, to control/hold property and other things, to further hide your location, assets, home and so forth.

Make it even harder, and make sure the LLC isn’t a name/title, they would guess!

(Note to self: article on everything an LLC can hide, global llcs?)

Another Moat?

Virtual Mail Boxes

These do cost money, and you do need to do your research, as, different ones offer different services, level of security, costs

However, if you’ve done the above, you will still need and address for everything.

Maybe two addresses.


Free Options

I’ll include anther article that goes over more layers, one of which is an article, within the article (a hint at your layer system too..), on creating safe addresses, some which cost, some are free.

The one on free and paid addresses, is called:

“Creating a Safe Address(s) for Your Banking and Other Needs’’

Social Media

This is a bit dangerous, and I would recommend getting rid of ALL Social Media for a while.

You’ll be keeping track of too much, so make your life not only easier but a 100x safer.

Either never get social media, or wait till you’re in a calm place and your other areas are taken care of.


Danger Note: this may not be complete, this is just what I can think of.

1st Layer: Name
Use a different name/nick name (if your last name is foreign or unique, you will be found. I’m lucky mine is common)

2nd Layer: Picture
No Picture.
If you must, one you’ve never used before.
And or, the picture doesn’t show your face (a group pic may help).

3rd: Settings
Everything is private (including friend list).
Go through All the Privacy, Security settings, and check to see what's a available/Able to be seen by the public, friends, and 2nd connections.

Danger Note: a “Like” or a comment by someone else (friend or non friend/connection), can reveal where you are (if your abuser does somehow see your profile, they will look that person up instead)

4th: OPSEC with Emails
Use an email (that you don’t give out), to create the account.
(, Yahoo, AOL).

Why Not Use the Same Email and Phone Number?
If you use a number/email you give out to others, your social media profile will come up on there social media channel too.

Example: Have you noticed you’re friends Facebooks, Instagram's, LinkedIn come up, after you meet them?

-Its usually after you exchange numbers, email’s or use “Sync Contacts”


Eventually, you will want to secure your browsers too (whether its Chrome, Firefox (the better option).

These will slowly leak information about you to companies that want to sell to you.

Overt time, this information (collected from websites you visit), can be sent to data brokers.

Danger Note:
Spending ALOT of money on browser apps, does not replace good OPSEC, practices.

Example: You have a fancy and expensive VPN (which helps prevent the leak your data while browsing), all kinds of security apps that you pay for and a fancy anti-virus (which, even some of the free ones are good to have),


By putting your name down on a google review (even your first name, even if your emails doesn’t have your name in it).

Layers, Layers, Layers

This YouTube video on prisons gave me the idea for this article, and offers a better visualize of these concepts too.

Worlds Toughest Maximum Security Prisons

(Ps, links from people can be viruses, stalkerware, etc. Always ask for the title of the video/website/article, and look it up separately)

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Thank you all for your support :)

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒



The Tactical Victim

Male Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Here to help you Assess the Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional