Increasing Your Web Browsers Privacy and Security part 2

The Tactical Victim
2 min readOct 16, 2023


(Still Editing-Drafting)

Please keep in mind, these tools do not replace good OPSEC Practices.

Here’s My First article on browser security:

(Not to myself..include data brokerage link).

Putting your name down on a FB comment, pretty much voids your efforts to prevent your abuser from finding you.

However, being able to reduce websites ability to identify who you are, is an Indirect and long term help, in keeping your new living location safer.

The easiest way, is to use a well rated vpn (check pcmag).

Firefox is less adept than Chrome, but, definitely more private.

A. Vpn

B. Ghostery

Ghostery Tracker Ad Blocker — Privacy AdBlock — Microsoft Edge Addons

3. Privacy Settings in Your Apps and Bowsers

Look at all the “Privacy”, “Security”, “Safety” and “Data Sharing” settings.

Sometimes your can turn them “off”, increase the scanning of websites you visit, sometimes the information get shared with “third party sites” and you can choose “not to”.

Or, your “location” is shared, and your can choose not to.

4. A Free Antivirus Helps too

-Yes, paid are better, but it depends on budget.
Somehting is better than nothing.

Follow me and or Subscribe to My Email List, if you want to stay up to date for my latest: Security, Psychological and Tactical tips..

Thank you all for your support :)

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒



The Tactical Victim

Male DV, SA and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Acting as Your "Blue Team" AI Expert to help you: ⬇ Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional