Staying Organized is Critical for: Long Term Safety, Ease of Life and Proof

The Tactical Victim
3 min readNov 22, 2023


-still writing

(((Put in phases…later steps)))

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash


After your initial escape and you are safe for at least a week or more, you will want to start a system organization for your new life, and old life.

Under stress, you will more easily get lost, put things in the wrong place, lose track of what you already did, need to do, and so forth.

Having a system to help you remeber, and multiple back up places (phone, emails, cloud storage and backup email), will save you money, time, stress, and potentially, your life.

I was “all over the place”, when I first escaped, and, this cost me all of the above risks and challenges, multiple times over.

Even with and organizational place, little thing slip, but, the backups and having 80-90% organized, makes those slip ups Less Significant and impactful.

Emails Folders for Everything

Per Your back up email:

Forward everything from your main email, to a back up email.

Security Tip: It would be wise to have (at least), a slightly different password, for this bavk up new email account.

This way, is your main email get compromised, hacked into by your abuser, the back up emails password would be a bit to hard to guess.

Ideally, it’s a totally different password

Even more secure:
in addition to a totally different password you also only access it from a public computer

(thus, if Spyware or key loggers are somehow put onto your new phone/electronic devices, you can feel safe knowing the backup account can be accessed, only seen having emails forwarded to it)

Have Folders for:

-Login information for different accounts (medical, work, social media)


-Prescriptions, doctors notes

-insurance cards

-debit cards (avoid credit cards, I dont know how to use these safely yet)

-Police Report

-Photos, other proof of abuse

-old login information

-old contacts/doctors contact information *

*OPSEC/safety tip: when calling these people, DO from the new phone number of the new state/area code you live. Buy another cheap smart phone, get Google voice (and choose an area code of a different state).

**also, conntact them from a different email (using a vpn), that’s used just for your old contacts.

-be careful, as, malware can be sent to you from them, from your stalker or abuser, worse case scenario.

— Any information that you will need to look back at, have backs up or proof of: -for your day to day life

-possible emergencies

-just your convenience and memory

Phone and Cloud Organization

Pictures on Your Phone
-folders for different categories of your life

Secure Cloud Storages
-Google drive and drop box are easy

If you have a seperate phone and email, this should be good enough (just make sure the gmail you use fir this isn’t given out to others)

-however, you can use more secure cloud storage options too, that range from free to pricey

  • Strong password is critical, having a pin on your devices and using a vpn if you have to use these storage services over public wifi

(Sep emails, safe phone/electronic device, different password and login that you ised to have)



The Tactical Victim

Male Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Here to help you Assess the Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional