The Best Martial Art to Prevent Sexual Assaults and Protect Police

The Tactical Victim
4 min readDec 13, 2023


Photo by Eduardo Drapier on Unsplash

Police Trained in Brazilain jiu-jitsu found a:

“a 48 percent reduction in officer injuries”


“a 53 percent reduction of injuries to suspects.”

For non law enforcement:

“Another case involved a woman in the United States who used her BJJ training to control and subdue an intruder until help arrived.”

Dangers of not being trained:

Not being trained in BJJ lead to officers “200 percent” increased risk to “sustain an injury during the altercation.”

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒

How does a woman,
defend herself from a larger and stronger man,

-when she’s being assaulted while on her back?

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu

I often this topic up when people ask me what I think is

one of the Best Ways to protect ones-self,
from becoming a victim of:

Sexual Assault, Rape or other Violence

-Do you still Doubt me?-

Lets start with this:

Who would Win in a Wrestling Match?

A Body Builder or a Younger woman-

(who weighed ALOT less)

Yes, you’re right, the Girl..

..provided she’s given the right training (and time to learn and perfect the moves under pressure)

Now, although he wasn’t trying to assault her,

it does give you an idea of how

Muscle and Weight


Skill, Technique and Training

can effect an outcome.

Both Jiu-Jitsu and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are good choices.

See for yourself below-

-Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

Chokes, Strangle and When he is on top of you

-Correct, one does not learn this over-night.

Why BJJ?

Given that most attacks occur from those we already trust and know,

we will likely be in an already intimate situation with that person.

I was sexually assaulted while I was laying down:

once on my Back

another time, on my Side

Both are Vulnerable Positions.

When You’re Already On Your Back

-No worries if you do not understand all or any of the terms.

-Think about the position they are in,
and how it could help you out if being sexually assaulted.

(Again, these moves take practice and repetition)

-You can’t do this in a life or death situation,

just watching a video on YouTube.

In person, real practice is necessary.

What About Traditional Martial Arts?

  • Most students learn these BJJ moves faster than:
    Karate, Kung-fu and Taekwondo moves.
  • Also, the above martial arts,

don’t offer any type of defense, for when you’re

On The Ground

  • Boxing, Kicking and Muy Tai elbows,

don’t work all that well,
-when you’re on you’re back,
-being choked.

Things can get very complicated on the ground, and you need some serious technical knowledge from which to..escape (ran by a group of leading martial art instructors)

Traditional martial arts as well as Boxing-Kick Boxing styles,
have little to No-Answer,
for preventing-stopping rape,
once you’re on the ground.

What About Regular (Freestyle Wrestling?)

The Wrestler greatest weakness, is when they’re on his or her back.

-many US highschools and colleges teach this type of wrestling style.

The art form, teaches very little offensive or defensive maneuvers, once you’re on you’re back.

In this style of wrestling, the match is over once-you’re on your back.

-Take a look at these “pins”.

BJJ and regular Jiu Jitsu, offer a variety of chokes, holds and moves that will break bones, while your laying down with someone on top of you.

-If someone is on top of you,
and you don’t have any techniques, to get them off,

-break their arm,

-or chokes to cause them to pass out

All you can do is scream (and hope your not alone).

In real life, it becomes a

Life and Death Struggle.

Related Articles

-Best and East to Carry Anti-Rape Tools

-Police Learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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Thank you all for your support

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒



The Tactical Victim

Male Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Here to help you Assess the Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional