Remain Unfound Part 2 đź”’: Safer Address, Banks, Online Security Guides here

The Tactical Victim
5 min readJun 25, 2023


A Tactical Victim Can Remain Hidden and Survive

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒

Note to myself: (article on Opsec mistakes-have as pin, combine some of the other pinned articles, article on danger at time of leaving. Intial to)

When you are able to identify someone is going to harm you,

and you realize you need to escape now..

the next hardest part,

for those whose abusers are stalking them and obsessed, is remaining unfound.

Although this may seem easy, its is actually much easier to place yourself in danger again, without realizing it.



1. Did you cross state lines with your state’s highway pass (placed in your car), that sends bills to your old apartment (where your abuser or one of their friends live)?

2. Did you get your credit checked, for a new apartment?
-and they can see which apartment complex, on your credit score, did the checking?

3. Have you gotten a new PO Box (yea, you didn’t even use your real play it safe)
-But and forgot, that PO Boxes are public information?

4. Or that you signed up for that Discount Card at your grocery store, with your real name and number:
-which will be given to data brokers…
-which your stalker will use online (for a small fee), to find you?

(although, it will take a few months to a year, for the data to collect)


How to Stay Safer?

I will post a variety of articles below that will help you Significantly in the different stages of getting away and keeping them away from you.

Principle of Layers

-This article will go over multiple principles and some direct ways to apply them, that will make it much more difficult for you to be found.

The Use Of LLC’s
This next one will guide you to where you need to look to help you hide your accounts, property, and so on and so forth:

Safe Address
Getting a Safe Address to use will be imperative.

Risks of Connectedness/Easy to Overlook
Here, you will see how easy it is for you’re abuser to get notified without you realizing it:

Dangers of Data Brokers and Solutions
This will help you mid to long term in staying safer.

State Laws and Help
This Goes Over laws in each state to help protect your address


🛑 RISK-Please Note:
I can Not Cover All the Bases of how you can be found, mistakes you could make,

but I can make it ALOT Easier to manage, and gice you the head start I never had.

A Private Eye who specializes in this, will likely be the best guide.
But, they cost money.

Remember, the first 20–60 minutes of a phone call with them is free.

Other Great Resources, Books and Videos

— Warning —

🛑 Here some areas I know I’m missing and don’t have much information on for you.


Partial Solutions (for your safety):

-Delete Me

-I know its NOT Perfect, but it helps, ALOT

Is that All Folks?

No, No Worries..

There’s MORE WAYS,
Accidents you WILL/COULD MAKE,

that I Could, MAKE IT EASY,
for them to find you again.

However, Those above articles alone, will help reduce your chances significantly and buy you some time and wiggle room.

Stay 3 Steps Ahead

Even if you think “I probably don’t need to”, Still add two-three layers extra, to whatever you’re doing to evade them.

If you make a mistake, which, we all do, it will more likely, buy you some time.

How Do you Do this?

Follow the Layers Principle


Before You Go

What browser are you using right now?
-and What did you just buy and get shipped to your address?

ooops..yea, you’re address just leaked, and will be sold online, legally..

because no one told you: Firefox, Brave Browser used with a free app like Ghostery…will help prevent this information, from being taken,
(to some degree),

provided you are SUPER CAREFUL, about what information you put in online.

Yes, its crazy, and, I was almost found and harmed…..
because I didn’t realize most of the information in this post.


Tactical Victims are well versed on #OPSEC and #Infosec,

both online and for in person for their day to day interactions with people.

Their laptops, phones and tablets, have certain features (Bluetooth), turned off by default.

The have certain browser extensions (like Ghostery), password managers, free or paid VPN’s, anti-virus..all set up.

and, many other steps, I automatically do now, that I’ve forgotten, that I also want to teach others, so they survive long term.

I want to make sure, if you are a victims of abuse, stalking, domestic violence's, that you stay safe.

No, its not fair, I know.

Trust me, I’m just going over the “easy stuff”, right now.

Layers Concept for Counter Tracking and Remaining Unfound

Follow me and or Subscribe to My Email List, if you want to stay up to date for my latest Security, Psychological and Tactical tips..

Thank you all for your support.

-The Tactical Victim-

It’s a Mindset, a New Way of Life 🔒



The Tactical Victim

Male DV, SA and Stalking Survivor 🔒 Acting as Your "Blue Team" AI Expert to help you: ⬇ Risk, Escape-Survive and Remain Unfound. Cleared Professional