Spring Bean Lifecycle Full Guide

10 min readSep 11, 2023

Ah, beans…

In this article, I will describe Spring Bean life cycle in details so you can totally nail your Spring technical interview. We are going to focus on Spring internals and the logic of bean lifecycle from bean definitions to destruction, including some interesting edge cases.

What is covered:

  • Bean lifecycle basics
  • Beans scopes
  • Each stage of bean lifecycle explained in detail
  • Subscription to events basics
  • Bean injections
  • Link to free HD PDF of the cheatsheet

1. Intro

Alright, let’s dive into the world of beans in Spring. So, what exactly is a bean? In the Spring world, a bean is like a component that the Spring framework uses to build applications. It’s essentially a Plain Old Java Object (POJO) that Spring’s IoC (Inversion of Control) container creates, initializes, assembles, and manages. In simpler terms, it’s just any object managed by the IoC container.

Now, when it comes to beans, we’ve got this thing called a “bean definition.” Inside the container, beans are represented by objects implementing the BeanDefinition interface. A BeanDefinition is like a backstage pass to a bean’s metadata. Depending on how you set…




Software Engineer. Financial Literacy Advocate. I like helping people to learn stuff.