What is the Intentional Academy? Overview.

Tony Ferrar
2 min readSep 25, 2017


Last week I set out to answer two questions: “What is the Intentional Academy?” and “Who is it for?”. The tricky part about answering these is that it takes deep reflection — I’ve had an idea in my head for a while. It’s been so hard to put words to it.

Here’s the recap on my progress: I managed to answer the “WHO” question by writing a manifesto. I started to answer the “WHAT” question by painting a picture of the destination. This week, I’ll be hashing out what the vehicle needs to look like to get you there. That vehicle is The Intentional Academy.

Any vehicle is made up of key components — none of them will get you there on their own. But when used together? Well, you know. What are the key components?

  • A Mission — not The Intentional Academy’s mission, YOUR mission to reach your destination
  • * A Community — of those who have gone before and those who are coming behind
  • * A Collection of Resources — that will enable to you complete your mission

This week I’ll tell you all about the Community and the Resources we’re putting together for you.

I will say this: we’re in the very beginning stages of building the Intentional Academy. Signing up now requires a bit of faith on your part. We want to thank you for your trust: if you join now, you’re automatically an Intentional Academy Founding Member. You’ll have special access, free for life. Sign up now at www.tonyferrar.com



Tony Ferrar

Learner. Educator. Present-minded Professor. Founder of Intentional Academy. Find out more at www.tonyferrar.com/