Dublin, Ireland: Touring the Guinness Storehouse

Cathy Ries
2 min readFeb 17, 2016


One popular drink that Ireland is proudly known for is the GUINNESS! I am already missing that lovely, malty beverage as I write this post. For anyone who is interested in how Guinness is made, there is a museum/storehouse to check out in Dublin, Ireland known as the Guinness Storehouse.

The Guinness Storehouse functions as part museum and part alcohol tour. It is a self-guided tour that brings visitors through every step in the Guinness making process with many awesome visuals in between. There are details from what ingredients are used to the type of water used in making Guinness.
The most wonderful thing I learned is that Guinness is wheat-free! It’s only made of barley, hops, yeast, and water. As long as you do not have gluten or barley sensitivities, you’re good to go on drinking Guinness!

As the tour goes further along, visitors are slowly guided up a winding staircase, eventually landing everyone in a room for Guinness tasting. Towards the end of the tour, visitors are given a small taste of Guinness in a shot glass before continuing on to a pint of Guinness in one of two locations at the storehouse. I recommend taking your pints at the sky bar at the very top of the building. There are 360 degree views of Dublin and it is a great location to relax with friends while enjoying the view and drinks.

Originally published at thetrekkingcat.com.



Cathy Ries

Full time #TechConsultant | Part time #Traveler | Showing the world how working 60+ hrs a week & globe trotting is possible via #TheTrekkingCat blog!