8 Ways to be Happy in 2016

The TriggerBox
3 min readJan 26, 2016


The new year is in full swing and maybe you are still trying to keep those resolutions. Here are some simple daily tips you can use to have a happy and successful new year.

Let go of the past and live in the moment.

It’s very easy to dwell in the past or think about the future. Always try and live in the moment and enjoy each moment.

Surround yourself with positive people.

You need healthy and supportive relationships. Your friends say a lot about you as a person. Hang around happy, positive people and you will be happier.

Do the right thing.

Have high moral standards. Think about what you are doing and to whom. You will be much happier having done the right thing and you will be known as a person with integrity.

Stay healthy for a successful new year.

Exercise regularly, eat nutritious food, and get enough sleep. Do something every day to get healthier or stay healthy. Your body is a temple and you only get one in this lifetime. Treat it with respect. Your body will thank you and you will be much happier.

Care for your fellow human.

We are all connected. When you see someone in need, help them. When you show kindness to others daily you connect with people and also make your day nicer. You will receive far greater rewards from this connection.

Do what you love.

There is a big difference between making a life and making a living. A lot of people spend a lot of time trying to make as much money as possible to buy things. Do what you love and you will be a thousand times happier.

Think positive!

Having negative thoughts can drain you of energy. Meditate every day or just decide to be happy. That’s the first step to being happy. Think positively for a more successful new year.


You activate a specific set of muscles in your face when you smile and those muscles are closely connected to the emotions of happiness and joy.


We all want happiness and spend a lot of time seeking it out. Happiness is about loving yourself for who you are. It’s about being comfortable in your own shoes. To have a happy and successful new year, make the best of the life you have by following these simple daily tips and your happiness meter will skyrocket!

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