Calendars to be Donated to Cancer Patients

The Tutu Project
1 min readJan 15, 2015


The Carey Foundation has announced a new initiative that will delivery 1,200+ cancer patients a Tutu Project Calendar. The “Packages of Love” program will deliver our amazing calendar (yes, we do think it’s awesome!) into the hands of the many men and women that need our support at cancer center across America. It is intended to fulfill our promise to help lighten somebody’s day as they get through breast cancer treatment.

Individuals that donate are helping the Foundation cover postage fees ($10 donation or higher), or they can donate an entire bundle ($325). We will ship a “Package of Love” — twenty calendars — to a cancer center in the Unites States. Read More >>>

Nominate a Cancer Center

If you are interested in nominating a cancer center for a “Package of Love”, feel free to leave a comment below. There are no guarantees, but we’d love to get suggestions from our supporters!

Click to Donate >>>

Originally published at The Tutu Project.



The Tutu Project

It's all about a man, his wife's battle against breast cancer and a pink tutu that brings hope... and helps raise funds for families with breast cancer.