The Giant Spider Crab Of Japan

The Unexplained
3 min readJan 21, 2024


In the depths of the Pacific Ocean lies a creature that defies belief and evokes wonder — The Giant Spider Crab of Japan. Its colossal size and behaviors are amazing and interesting. Our team looks into the unique aspects, amazing patterns, and weird mysteries surrounding this majestic creature.

Hidden in the abyssal depths, the Japanese Spider Crab (Macrocheira kaempferi) emerges as a true marvel of marine life. It has the largest known leg-span of any arthropod. The Japanese name for this species is Taka-ashi-gani, which translates to “tall legs crab”. With leg spans reaching up to 12 feet, it’s the world’s largest arthropod. In adulthood they can grow up to 12 feet from claw to claw! This gargantuan size, coupled with its spindly legs, also earned it the nickname “Spider Crab.” Despite its intimidating appearance, this creature’s slow movements are surprisingly graceful.

Dance of Camouflage and Adaptation

One of the most remarkable features of the Japanese Spider Crab is its cryptic camouflage. Its carapace, a textured blend of browns and greens, mimics the rocky ocean floor, rendering it almost invisible to predators and prey alike. This adaptation showcases the marvel of evolution’s ingenuity.

Within the crab’s enigmatic world, molting is a pivotal process. Shedding its exoskeleton allows the crab to grow and renew itself. During this vulnerable period, the crab hides in crevices, adopting a solitary disposition until its new exoskeleton hardens. This ritualistic transformation is a testament to the intricate patterns embedded in the crab’s life cycle.

Three Cool Facts about Giant Spider Crabs

  1. The crab’s body remains the same size once reaching adulthood, but its legs keep growing.
  2. Japanese spider crabs are believed to have a lifespan of 50 to 100 years.
  3. Female Japanese spider crabs can produce around 1.5 million eggs within a season, yet only a small portion ultimately survives.

Puzzling Behaviour

While much about the Japanese Spider Crab remains shrouded in mystery, its behaviors have provided intriguing insights. Solitary by nature, these crabs engage in solitary rituals during mating. Males have been observed using gentle touches and movements to court females before transferring sperm packets.

The enigma deepens when it comes to the early stages of the crab’s life. The larvae, known as zoea, undergo a puzzling journey in the open ocean before settling on the ocean floor. The mechanisms that guide their migration and navigation are yet to be fully understood, leaving researchers puzzled by nature’s complexity.

The Japanese Spider Crab’s significance extends beyond its own existence. As a keystone species, it plays a vital role in its ecosystem by controlling the population of smaller organisms. Its molts also provide a valuable source of nutrients for other creatures in the depths.


Intriguingly, humans have developed an unexpected connection to these deep-sea enigmas. In Japan, the crab holds cultural symbolism and culinary value. It has become a sought-after delicacy, attracting food enthusiasts eager to savor its unique flavor. However, conservation efforts are also underway to ensure the survival of this remarkable creature.

Curiosity Beneath the Waves

Efforts to understand and protect The Giant Spider Crab of Japan have led to increased exploration of its habitat. Modern technology allows researchers to delve deeper into the ocean’s mysteries, uncovering hidden facets of these creatures’ lives. Conservation initiatives strive to strike a balance between human interest and the preservation of this species and its ecosystem.


The Japanese Spider Crab continues to inspire awe and curiosity, revealing glimpses of the secrets the ocean holds. Its colossal size, cryptic behavior, and intricate patterns have made it an emblem of nature’s enigmatic wonders. As we unravel the mysteries of this magnificent creature, we are reminded of the countless mysteries that still await discovery beneath the waves.



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