Can a Lawyer Help When You Owe Money to the IRS?

The W Tax Group
2 min readAug 6, 2018


Most people don’t intentionally get behind on their taxes — it just happens. After you’re behind, the amount of money you owe may become overwhelming. You may not be sure you can even afford to pay, so you put off resolving your tax bill, perhaps hoping to deal with it at another time.

Before you know it, the IRS is sending you scary letters and threatening to garnish your wages or levy your bank accounts. You know you need to fix this situation, but you aren’t sure how to resolve it on your own. One way to pay off your tax debt and put this stress behind you is to contact a tax lawyer.

How Can a Lawyer Help?

A tax attorney specializes in tax law and understands all the different programs available to taxpayers. The IRS offers several methods to allow taxpayers to get caught up on their taxes. There is more than likely an option that will work for your unique tax situation. Let’s examine a few common solutions a lawyer can help you with:

  • Installment Agreements — You can work out a payment arrangement with the Internal Revenue Service. Many people can’t pay a large lump sum in back taxes, but they may be able to make smaller monthly payments.
  • Offer in Compromise — An offer in compromise is when you (usually through your lawyer) make a settlement offer on the amount of taxes you owe. This allows you to pay off your taxes for less than the full amount.
  • Currently Not Collectible — Some people have a legitimate reason that they can’t pay their taxes. If your lawyer can show the IRS that you really can’t pay your taxes, the IRS may place your account in Currently Not Collectible status and cease collection efforts.

A Lawyer Can Review Your Tax Situation Today

By examining your finances, personal situation, and other debts, a lawyer can match your unique situation to a solution that will work for you. Contact the W Tax Group to speak with a lawyer during a free consultation. Just call us at 1–877–500–4930 or visit our website to get started.

