Farewell to The Bike Shed

The Wardrobe Ensemble
3 min readJan 24, 2018


To the Bike Shed…

Thank you.

Thank you for being a constant source of support, guidance and trust for almost the entirety of our existence as a company.

Thank you for nurturing us at a time in our artistic development when we needed it most.

Thank you for taking a punt on a company that was barely 2 years old, and agreeing to let us make your Christmas show, Eliza and the Wild Swans. This decision is almost entirely responsible for kickstarting our entire strand of family work, and we don’t underestimate how much of a risk that must have been for you.

Thank you for continuing to nurture us by producing three more shows that we hold extremely dear: Edgar and the Land of Lost and Eloise and the Curse of the Golden Whisk and The Forever Machine.

Thank you for becoming our home away from home, and for showing us just how much Exeter has to offer when all we knew was the High Street.

Thank you for all the wonderful audiences. Some of our favourite shows ever took place in that tiny little underground den.

Thank you for this sofa…

Thank you for all the lasting relationships, both professional and personal, you’ve helped us forge. These are what will keep us coming back again and again long after you close your doors.

Thank you for many a ridiculous drunken evening spent in your bar, or at the Fire House, or in the phonebox at the top of the high street when we realised everywhere else was closed.

Thank you for teaching us that it isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it in the end.

David and Debs, thank you for letting us hold Ludo when he was just 2 days old. That was really special.

And thank you for letting us put him in a saucepan when he was a bit older.

Thank you for all the dancing and board games and laughter and tears and Shaky Bridges (lots and lots of Shaky Bridges).

Thank you for a hell of a lot of memories.

We can’t wait to see what comes next.

All our love

The Wardrobe Ensemble




The Wardrobe Ensemble

An ensemble of storytellers, character makers and thought provokers, we are interested in theatre which explores, questions, and celebrates human life.