Understanding The Benefits And Process Of Dental Implants

Kavya Krishna
3 min readMay 13, 2024

Dental implants or Teeth implants have revolutionized restorative dentistry, providing durable solutions for missing teeth that seamlessly integrate into your dental structure. Unlike removable dentures, dental implants offer a fixed, natural-looking alternative that dramatically improves function and aesthetics, ultimately improving the quality of your life.

A dental implant acts as an artificial tooth root, securing the replacement tooth into your jawbone. Made of titanium, they look like small screws and act as a permanent base for tooth replacement. Over time, the jawbone naturally fuses with the implant, becoming a permanent part of your dental structure.

Types of Implants

There are two main types of dental implants:

Endothelial implants: These are placed directly into the jaw bone and are the most common type. They look like little titanium screws.

Subperiosteal implants: Located below the jawbone but on or above the jawbone, these implants are often chosen for patients with insufficient healthy jawbone or those who cannot undergo bone augmentation to rebuild their jaw.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Natural Look and Function: Dental implants look and function like natural teeth, providing an easy and comfortable experience.

Longevity: Engineered for the long haul, they offer a long-term solution to missing teeth compared to other methods that may require permanent replacement.

Preservation of Bone Structure: Dental implants help preserve the bone that supports teeth, preventing bone loss that naturally occurs after tooth loss.

Methods of dental implants

A thorough advice and assessment is conducted before dental surgery. This includes a thorough examination, medical history review, and detailed dental imaging to determine implant suitability. Depending on the condition of the bone in the jaw, preimplantation measures such as bone graft may be required.

Cost and Funding

The pricing of dental implants fluctuates based on elements like the quantity of teeth requiring replacement, the density of the bone, and any supplementary procedures required. Sage Dental offers competitive and economical pricing even though they vary based on dental implant insurance. Sage Dental strives to make treatment affordable for patients by offering competitive pricing and financing options. If you are ever thinking of getting teeth implants langley, make sure to ring Sage Dental to get the best deals and services from our best professionals in the world.

Post-Procedure Care

After dental implants, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth regularly. Patients should also recognize signs of implant failure, such as loosening of the implant crown or swollen tissue, and seek help as soon as possible

Dental implants offer a dependable and everlasting solution for lacking teeth, improving both smile aesthetics and average oral health. Despite being a significant investment, their sturdiness and real appearance lead them to a preferred preference for teeth substitutes. We at Sage Dental have been serving Langley’s people for more than two decades now and we are proud to be their go-to Dental Clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) Can dental implants be used to replace more than one missing tooth and does this affect the procedure and price?

Yes, dental implants can be used to replace multiple lacking teeth, both individually or as a part of a dental bridge or denture. The system for replacing multiple teeth with implants may additionally contain more planning and can require more implants to support the substitute teeth. The fee of multiple dental implants will depend upon elements which include the number of teeth to be replaced, the complexity of the case, and any extra procedures required.

