“The Power of Positive Self-Talk”

Spark Henry
3 min readFeb 26, 2023


Do you remember a time when you accomplished something you thought was impossible?

Maybe it was finishing a difficult project, acing a test you thought you would fail, or conquering a fear that had been holding you back. How did you feel afterwards? Likely, you felt proud, accomplished, and maybe even a little surprised at what you were capable of achieving.

Now, think about the way you spoke to yourself during that time. Did you cheer yourself on,

Saying things like “I can do this” and “I’m making progress”? Or,

Did you beat yourself up for any setbacks, telling yourself things

Like “I’m never going to get this right”


“I’m not good enough”?

The way we speak to ourselves has a profound impact on our mental health and well-being.

Negative self-talk can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, while positive self-talk can boost our confidence, reduce stress, and improve our relationships.

For example, consider the case of Laura, who struggled with social anxiety. She would often avoid social situations, feeling overwhelmed and self-conscious.

One day, she decided to challenge herself to attend a networking event for work. Before going,

She noticed herself engaging in negative self-talk, telling herself things like

“I’m not interesting enough to talk to”


“Nobody will want to talk to me.”

But, she realized that this kind of thinking was only making her anxiety worse. Instead,

She started to challenge those negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones,

Like “I’m just as deserving of social connections as anyone else”


“I’m taking a step outside my comfort zone, and that’s something to be proud of.”

By changing her inner dialogue, Laura was able to attend the event and even strike up a conversation with a new colleague.

Another example is that of John, who was struggling to finish a difficult project at work. He had been working long hours and was feeling burnt out and discouraged.

He noticed himself engaging in negative self-talk,

Telling himself things like

“I’m not cut out for this”

And “I’ll never finish on time.”

But, he knew that this kind of thinking was only making things worse.

Instead, he started to challenge those negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones,

Like“I’m making progress, even if it’s slow”

And “I’m learning and growing from this experience.”

By changing his inner dialogue, John was able to finish the project on time and even received praise from his boss.

By cultivating positive self-talk, we can transform our inner dialogue and improve our mental health and well-being.

Remember, we have the power to choose how we speak to ourselves, and by doing so, we can achieve our goals and lead happier, more fulfilling lives.

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Spark Henry

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