Side Low Back Stretch

Sep 17, 2022


Variation of Janu Sirsana

The bent leg heel can be pressed into the opposite inner thigh instead of half lotus.

This seated forward bend is a great way to open each side of the low back.

This pose is practiced after you have warmed up the low back (example, forward bend, triangle pose) and towards the end of a yoga class sequence.

I suggest practicing the pose to help:


lower back muscles

flexibility of hip joint

may lower blood pressure, release belly tension

recommended for pregnant and menstruating women

Cautions: This pose is not for you if you have been diagnosed with disc disease in your lower back. If you have knee pain on the bent knee, practice with extra care and most effectively with a qualified teacher present. You may try placing a blanket under the bent knee.




The Yoga House offers small intimate classes (max. 11) where you are truly seen. Your view of a beautiful ravine valley brings you into a peaceful atmosphere.