No Quarters Necessary, Transactions are Free!

The Arkade
3 min readFeb 23, 2018


The arkade_delegate team has diligently explored ways for our esteemed voters to interact within the Ark Ecosystem — free of charge. The team would like to introduce a system for providing reimbursements for transactions to all our voters. That means we cover the 1 Ark voting fee when you vote for us, we cover the 0.1 Ark fees when sending transactions within the Ecosystem, and we even will cover the 5 Ark fee when registering a second passphrase (who said peace of mind had to come at a cost?)

Please follow this simple guide below to enable these refunds to your account after voting for our delegate!

Step 1: Select the Gear on the top of your Desktop Wallet

Step 2: Select “MANAGE NETWORKS”

Step 3: Make sure that “MAINNET” has been selected, you will see a blue-green line below the word

Step 4: Type “” inside the Seed Server box

Do not select “Force”, that toggle should remain grey

Step 5: Click “SAVE”

Step 6: Select the Power icon on the top of the Desktop Wallet

Step 7: Select “RESTART”

These last steps are the most important ones!

Step 8: Select the Cloud on the top of the Desktop Wallet

Step 9: Confirm that your wallet says “HTTP://FREE.ARKADE.GG” and that the bottom of that box is GREEN

Now that your wallet is prepared, feel free to take advantage of your fee-free Ecosystem!

But wait there’s more! One caveat of setting up your wallet as shown above is that it can cause your transactions to take longer. The Arkade_delegate team knows that life can be fast paced, and we should be too. To ensure that our voters can send transactions as fast as possible, whenever needed, we have implemented just that.

If you want your transaction to be immediate, please type “fast” and only “fast” into the Smartbridge box. This will cause the transaction to be sent out at the speed of light to the Ecosystem; however, with this method you will not be guaranteed refunds — so be careful!

