The Crobees
3 min readNov 27, 2022

We are delighted to see all this enjoyment around the project this past few days ! The market conditions are not at their best and we are doing what we can to develop the project and it is an absolute pleasure to have you seeing this.

A new collection have been designed by our illustrator during this period and it is about to be launched: the Flowers !

This is a good way for us to say thank our early supporters and all the people who are trusting the project and the management but you will see that later on in this article and also to prepare the further coming steps.

Why a new collection ?

The goal behind this new collection is at first to benefit in the long run for the project and the ecosystem we are creating. But also to benefit in the short/middle term by reducing the circulating supply in honey and creating some activity around the project.

The flowers will be at the middle of the project in the future, they will mainly contribute to the ecosystem by increasing the rewards in $HONEY and more.

Concretely, the whole 100% of the $HONEY collected through the launch of the mint (in $HONEY) of the flowers will be burnt which will reduce the circulating supply by 75 000 $HONEY. This will be the first steps in our circulating supply reduction campaign with the aim to prepare the launch of the token.

For the CRO part of the launch, it will help us develop some products for the Beeshop, paying the developers and the team for their amazing work, prepare the development of the project and cover the marketing costs.

What use for this collection ?

This new collection is designed to be in the heart of the project with the bees and they will have many utilities. Among all of them, there are gonna be in the future, a booster for the generation of $HONEY through the Crobees staking (all the informations will be released after the whole mint process).

Another utility of this collection is going to be an airdrop of some beeshop’s items for owner of Flowers. It could be anything that is gonna be added into the Beeshop in the following months.

So there is long and short term utilities for Flowers’ owners through the project, of course, some other uses can be added at some future point in time.

How it will work ?

The mint will be divided in 3 main steps: the CRO mint, the HONEY mint and finally THE AIRDROP. With 400, 500 and 600 Flowers, it brings the total supply to 1500 NFTs.

The parameters for the CRO mint are:

  • Supply: 600 Flowers
  • Price: 200 CRO
  • Date: TBA (but soon)
  • Where: On Moonflow

The parameters for the HONEY mint are:

  • Supply: 500 Flowers
  • Price: 250 $HONEY
  • Date: After the CRO mint
  • Where: On crobees‘ website

For the airdrop, each holder of 3 Crobees or more will be automatically added in the airdrop list. To be eligible, your NFTs shouldn’t be listed on a marketplace. There is gonna be 400 Flowers airdropped. As you may imagine, there is more NFTs to be airdropped than holders of 3 Crobees or more so you will be airdropped more than 1 Flowers per person.

To conclude, this launch will help the whole project and will benefit both long and short term investors. This event is the first among a campaign intended to reduce the circulating supply of the $HONEY in order to launch the token soon.

We are buzzin’ together ! 🐝

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