5 Personal Hygiene Tips Everyone Should Follow

The Everyday Blogger
3 min readJun 14, 2016


How you care for your body is your own personal business. Technically if you want to sit in your home all day unshowered and dirty, that’s your prerogative.

Although most people work for a living, so they are out and about with the regular population. That means they care about their personal hygiene. You want to present the best possible version of you to the world. No one wants to offend any of their friends, family, or coworkers. This may seem like simple common sense, but you’d be surprised at how many people actually neglect these ordinary tasks of cleaning oneself up in the right way. Here are 5 personal hygiene tips everyone should follow.

1. Shower

Most people need to shower everyday, especially those men who tend to naturally sweat more than women. Showering a few times of week is the least amount of showering you should do. You might not have to wash your hair everyday, but at least get in the water and rinse off with a little soap to get the day’s grime off of you. You can shower in the morning or at night, it’s up to you. Many people don’t like getting into bed without showering after being out all day.

2. Deodorize

Body odor is an unpleasant situation to be around. Don’t let anyone smell BO on you by wearing deodorant on a daily basis. You don’t have to go crazy with cologne, perfume, or body spray but a little well placed deodorant can go along way in preventing odor. Find a formula that works well for your own body chemistry. If you have an issue with the aluminum many deodorants contain, find a natural one that is effective.

3. Floss

More than likely you are pretty good about regular brushing, but are you flossing? Flossing gets rid of excess food, plaque, and bacteria that gets stuck between your teeth. If you don’t floss you are going to be susceptible for getting gingivitis, which is a painful gum disease. Knotty Floss is a great one to try because it aggressively removes plaque. Plus, your dental appointments will go much better especially at Curve Dental. Those hygienists won’t have to dig so much to clean your teeth if you floss daily.

4. Socks

Stop picking up your old dirty socks off the floor and wearing them again. One time is enough. Then toss them into the hamper to grab a new pair each day. You don’t want foot fungus, do you?

5. Trim

This mostly relates to guys more than the ladies, who are pretty good at taking care of their eyebrows, and stray hair. Guys need to watch their “unibrow”, nose hairs, and their ear hair. That mostly applies to older men, but still keeping your hair in check is a nice idea. Lice is also a common thing in this country, so if you need professional head lice removal, check out Lice Clinics of America.



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