With every sneer, liberals just make Trump stronger

Critics seem obsessed with attacking the president. They would better off reaching out to his supporters

The Guardian
The Guardian


Melissa McCarthy as White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer, Alec Baldwin as President Donald Trump during ‘Spicer Returns’ in Studio 8H on May 13, 2017 —Will Heath/NBC/NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

By Simon Jenkins

Did I tell you Donald Trump is a vulgar, foul-mouthed, meat-faced, 71-year-old redneck buffoon? To be honest, he is a fossil-fuel guzzling, Big Mac-eating, pussy-grabbing, racist dick. He has hubris syndrome with paranoid narcissistic disorder. Do you read his tweets? The English is dreadful. How can a man run the country who is so uncouth, with that hair, those ties, those baggy suits? He is a Ba’athist generalissimo, the president of a banana republic. He is anti-Christ. There. Does that make you feel better?

All the above phrases are culled from a brief Google scan on the current American president. They reflect a melange of national shame, liberal trauma, snobbery and class hatred. They extend across the Atlantic and around the world. They assume two things. One is that Trump is so appalling it is inconceivable he could win a second term in office. The other is that deploying the same language as he did to win office is the best way to send him packing.

I hope the first is true, but I am not sure about the second. The comparison this week between Trump’s scripted and spontaneous reactions…

